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Posts posted by jchalmer

  1. Nice haul for a reasonably short session!

    I live in concord and an in the process of buying a boat, are you able to share some tips on parra river Jews?

    Have been a hawkesbury fisherman for years and new to the area. PM if you prefer, happy to share info.



    Hi paul.

    I have been fishing parra river for 20'years but seriously nights for Jews for last 4 years since i have had a young family. I have fished from parramatta to the heads and find that gladesville bridge on run in fishes best. I I fish on the southern side river west of bridge. Fish one rod in behind boat n one out wild. I have caught more fish there than anywhere. Lots of other spots. pm me for a chat. Josh

  2. Hi raiders, I fished under gladesville bridge Saturday night from 7pm to 11pm. Tide was on way in. High at 11.30 ish. Founds some good signs on sounder n sent out to medium size squids.....first Hit was on the rod that I had cast out into channel. Nice 60cm fish. Second n third were straight behind boat in 7-8m water. Both around same size. Finished with last fish around 80cm. Good weather n not too cold..... I love Sydney harbour. Being able to leave home and be fishing in 15 minutes for jews.

  3. Hi all,

    Fished at Greenwich for two 60cm jewies and then under gladesville bridge for 2 more around the same size. All taken on fresh squid and from low tide til half tide on way in. Water was still very dirty til it turned.


  4. This time of year there would still be browns near the mouth of river. I have a place st old adaminaby. Great time now. You could even still get spawn run fish. Big trouts. Power bate at night or big woolly bugger fly in front of gold bomber at night in old river bed.

  5. Hi All, I fish Parramatta river twice a week and it amazes me how many different places and baits that i have caught jewies on.. some days Squid and somedays fresh prawns with the dirty water....pilly heads another. I have my favourite spots but fishing the edges into the deeper water is the best i have found..Abbottsford, Gladesville, Greenwich, Lane Cover River, Iron Cove...heaps of great spots...and tides don"t seem to matter!

    fish i have caught range from 50cm for 120cm.. When the river runs hardest....bait off the bottom works the best for me. I always have 3/4 different baits out...and see where the action goes....squid and fillets are my favourite baits......but nothing is better than getting a couples of jews on left over prawns....Makes you go WTF! Have a good one.

  6. Have the week off this week and headed out on Monday morning early to find a heap of Kings and Taylor boiling in the harbour around the harbour bridge. Hooked a few but they were hard work and seemed to only be taking the smallest soft plastic with low weight heads. Away...hope there is some around tomorrow!

  7. Headed out from Drummoyne of Saturday at 5ish in the rain....... but no wind, so all was good...

    Just near Greenwich in main harbour on the last of the run in tide.

    Landed 2 small jews in the first one hour....



    great way to spend a couple of hours in the rain....

  8. It seems to be the week for jews...I caught 2 in the harbour this week and my brother landed to off stockton breakwall over 20lb......it seems so random......i got them of prawns and he used slimmies......first jews for months for us...

    what beach were u fishing?

  9. Headed out on Parra River after work looking for a jew on the run in tide......last Night

    Found some livies and headed to my usual spot.......as the sun was setting the action started...

    1 jew in the boat,


    3 nice size bream


    and a blue swimmer...


    Got the jew on a ugly prawn and no livies taken! and lost another good size one.


  10. Hi All,

    I am tossing up between two sounders for my 5m boat.

    I do both harbour and offshore fishing and want to know if anyone has a recommenddation.

    The two I am chosing from is:

    Furuno FCV-620 or Raymarine DS500x

    Some help would be great.


  11. Saturday Morning headed out from Rose Bay.

    Met up with a Friend in his boat at South Head and we headed wide to a bit of Reef we know.

    As you can see from the pic it was like a milk pond and not much current.

    We landed a big Cuttle, nice flathead and a couple of snapper.

    Great morning, we need more of them...


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