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Posts posted by chrisevz1337

  1. Berrero - great fish. I was down there around 2 weekends ago (Thursday before Good Friday), along the breakwall - and saw the mullet feeding too. I thought they were Tailor or Bonito so threw a small 15g pillchard metal in the mix and foul hooked one of them.

    I reckon it went 55cm, hooked in the top of the head, as was one of the best fights I've had of any fish in Australia. At least 55cm (didn't post as wasn't sure on the mullet etiquette; last big fish I landed was a carp which didn't go down well on here! :D

    Shortly after, I assume I foul hooked another, which my Daiwa Caldia 3000 (15lb Tasline, 14lb leader) 2-6kb rod simply couldn't stop. I ran 100m along the bank to get line back, fully nearly spooled me - before snapping off at the leader on the breakwall oyster rocks. Mullet or not, amazing fun on light tackle.

  2. Last minute Friday-arvo decision to head in-land for a camp this weekend, headed down to a spot near Bullio, on banks of the Wollondilly River. Landed a few decent rainbow trout there previously, so packed the light tackle rods and lures.

    Saturday morning, bush bashed down to the river with rods + picnic blankets for missus, and threw a few lures around, part of the river that funnelled in, bit deeper with some nice current.

    Second or third cast, felt a nibble on the Rapala 5cm spotted dog lure. Set the hook and soon realized it was a large fish - took me 5 mins to land it on 8lb, but finally dragged a Carp into the shallows. Didn't measure, but must have gone 60cm and 2-3kg easily. 

    Over the course of 3 hours, probably landed 8-9 fish, on a variety of lures; rapala brown trout HBs, daiwa baitjunkies SPs, Cicada imitation lures, Tassie devils + Gulp Minnows. Back home in UK we'd chase them with sweetcorn, luncheon meat etc, so not only did I not think I'd catch Carp on a lure, but more surprisingly they were eating everything I threw. Countless dropped fish, too, including one ~95cm model that i went to pick up at my feet and snapped line and swam off with my lure (poor error from me). Must have been nudging 5-7kg fish.

    Couple of interesting points - these fish were eating every lure. Probably doesn't say much for the local native populations through those rivers (even if the trout are introduced too) - they'd be decimating the system. They were obviously also there in plague proportions. You could basically sight cast them at points. Kept the majority of them out of the water. They were also, big fish - none smaller than one in pic below, averaging between 60cm and a meter I'd say.

    That said, the fish themselves were coming out in incredible condition - hell of a fight on 8lb. Standing a top of a boulder, in 30c heat, casting out into deep holes between rock bars; close your eyes I could have been in the NT chasing Barra! In terms of the fishing, unreal fun, even if I wouldn't be eating my catch...went for a swim after, water was super warm! Does anyone know - do the trout completely vacate in summer temps?







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  3. Amazing story mate. As a Rose Bay local looking forward to a summer of chasing Kings, great to hear!

    Out of interest - do you have a link to the origami boat? I have an Oru Kayak - similar 1 man folding kayak and regularly take it out around the bay. Rarely take the heavy gear out though as would be worried about landing anything sizeable in it. How robust is the boat?

  4. Raiders, been an avid reader for around 12 months, but had nothing noteworthy to shout about - this is my first post - so go easy!

    Missus was working late tonight so dashed home for a quick flick across the Rose Bay sand flats. I’ve really been persevering with a few donuts and wind knots here over the past 6-months, but given how close it is to home, and being primarily land based - I’ve kept coming back.

    finally, for the first time in a long time, I actually saw some action.

    Interestingly, I turned up around 6;45pm - the low tide was the lowest I’ve ever seen it. The waves were breaking in probably 30cm of water, at least 250m out from the standard high tide mark. I hooked up my curly tailz 4” white SP and started wading out. 10lb mono, no leader.

    Whilst trying to learn of the various hot spots, I’d heard raiders here talk about the drop off near the moored boats, but only loosely understood where it might be. However, with the tide so low, you could clearly see, and wade directly alongside, a clear, almost knife edge drop off, about 30 mtrs to the right of the moored boys, about 200mtrs from shore. Still in 30 Cm of water at this point.


    im out for around 10 mins, watching some big rays drift past, as well as the odd leatherjacket, before bang - lines tight and the drag goes off. Without much of a fight I pull a 42cm flattie in for a photo, and release. 

    5 mins later, 20m further out, on again - a much lighter in colour, 33cm flattie. Back in.

    Noticing the thick weed bed fairly close to shore, I have a quick cast and maintain a slow constant action to prevent snagging, and boom, another hit - but different take. Harder fight - comes into shore and it’s 29cm tailor. First one Tailor since moving here!

    Finally, wade back out past the moored boats, tip toeing past some big rays, and have a final cast,which after 10 mins produces another flattie, 45cm this time. Quick photo and released.

    Easily the best day I’ve had down there. Two questions to end with - as I headed back home, another fisho turned up with fly fishing gear. What would he have been after on a Fly?

    Also - anyone got tips for using poppers to target whiting? Would love some whiting surface action and they must be down there at rose bay!







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