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Nathan L

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Posts posted by Nathan L

  1. this is funny. you wouldn't believe how many times i've thought about this. anyway here is my response:

    i would get:

    - a waterfront house on sydney harbour or port hacking

    - a 30ish foot gamefisher fully fitted out

    - a 25 foot trailerable sport fishing boat

    - a 18 foot open sport fishing boat for estuary and bay work

    - plus i'd probly just buy a tackle shop too

  2. this is great. most punters would assume that winter equates with poor fishing. not the fishraiders though!

    my old man really wants to hit the reddie's this winter, so we'll probly be doing a bit of that.

    i'll be introducing some of my mate's to fishing with trevally in the bay.

    and as always chasing the elusive 100lb yft.

  3. wow. looks like i've struck a chord amongst drowned rats.

    many thanks for all the great suggestions.

    now i just have to sift through all your information and make a decision myself!

  4. hey fellas,

    just wondering if anything is going on at the moment in sydney's offshore game fishery.

    tuna arrived? straggling marling? lost dolphin fish?

    i hate being a fishing snob but once you've caught big tuna and marlin no amount of kingies, flathead, salmon, squid of any other inshore fish can compare to the thrill of catching big game.

    anyway, if you know anything about anything i'd love to hear from you.

  5. hello everyone.

    as we all know the weather can sometimes be far from good and we have to make do with whatever is thrown our way.

    in an effort to do this in the most comfort possible i wanted to get a good rainjacket. i say this because i've worn through a few windcheaters and once the waterproofing comes off them they're next to useless in rain.

    so . . . does anyone know of any good rainjackets that are comfy and 100% waterproof?

    thanks in advance

  6. mate you can't really go wrong once you spend that sorta dosh on a reel. i've got an old curado 101B and i couldn't imagine my fishing without it. it's so incredibly versatile.

    provided you take care of your reel it should last you indefinitely.

  7. gday mate.

    making wind-ons is pretty tricky if you don't really know what you're doing

    also, trying to explain this using just text would be more confusing than it would be helpful

    i can give a few pointers though. top shot WOL (wind on leader) needles are nearly indespensible. also, without the aid of someone showing you or a video tutorial, i never would have been able to learn how to do it.

    i spose i could provide some more info if you could tell me how much you know about making WOLs.

  8. beautiful feed there mate.

    i don't know this myself but if you're reffering to happy moments, the bycatch, they're meant to be fairly good eating. just dont get spiked by one of those guys otherwise your in for a rough couple of hours.

  9. g'day everyone

    on thursday i came back from a trip to jervis bay. just thought i'd post a quick report. if anyone wants pics i will probly put some up later.

    fished sat, mon, tues, wed and thur.

    sat got a few squid round callala then headed to long nose point a sp'ed a trev.

    mon was howling southerly so we headed to murrays and loaded up on the squid big time. got 23

    tues was similar. drifted north side of bowen for donuts then headed to long nose in a shitty chop. back to murrays for a garfish session - got 12, then back to the north side for an arvo fish. got 2 undersize kingies and 2 little samson fish.

    wed - plan was to grab livies and hit the banks. weather was against us so fished the northern side inside the tubes area. the morning was panning out to be a productive day with a couple of samsons on bait and sp's but it dropped off from there and only got a bream after that.

    thur morning we hit the squid again b4 heading home. dad got 8 and i got 1. spewin, even moreso considering i was using exactly the same jig except one size smaller for most of the morning.

    thats about it. i'll try and put the pics up later when i don't have as much busy person stuff to do

  10. gday raiders,

    just thought i'd let you all know how we did yersterday.

    up at four with the plan to head to the shelf / browns and have a crack at the 'fin. anyway, it seemed like a beautiful morning, slightly overcast and very still. first stop was at the bottom of the containeral wall / yarra bay for some livies. with a truckload of boats there plus my lack of foresight in bringing some burley (doh! *slaps himself across the forehead*) we thought it would be better just to head out than waste time on the livies. (btw does anyone know anywhere in botany bay that reliably produces slimies?)

    so we headed out the heads at about 7ish. unfortunately, the weater became more and more inclement the further we headed out, so that by the time we reached the shelf, a nice ~1m chop was running and it there was white caps everywhere. anyway, we trolled around a bit, then the old man decided to head back in.

    on the way back in we came across a bit of 4x2 floating on the surface and so we trolled round that for a bit. second pass and dad takes a look out the back, and it seems that a tiny dolly was on. this poor little guy couldn't even break the rubber bank on the tagline, so he was just skipping along the surface. we brought him in for a pic, but he shook off as i pulled him over. oh well, we were goin to release him anyway.

    the rest of the trip in was unenventful. before heading in we decided to hit wedding cake island for kingies. trolled round it a couple of times with minnows, then saw another boat pull in a king while bottom donging. after this we cut the motor, and dropped back some nasty-ass, old, smelly pillies. thankfully the little kingies weren't too fussy. they were biting really well, and over the hour and a half, we hooked probly round 8-10 and landed around 6. none were legal, but when a fish can pull as hard as they did, it didn't really bother me.

    anyway, here's a pic of one of the kings


  11. go lugarno!!!

    i've been there at night and seen guys fishing for whiting. they catch some real thumpers too.

    might be a lb sport worthy of more attention

    opps, no, my mistake. its a terrible spot. there's no fish, its windy all the time, and it smells terrible.

    it's not worth anyone wasting their time.

  12. i love garies. however they can be fiendishly difficult to catch at times. here are some of the things that i do:

    i burley with breadcrumbs and tuna oil. i like this because it creats a little slick, and some of the crumb float. this is important because when the garies come in you can see the little V they make with their beaks as they swim around and pick the floating crumbs off the surface.

    i also use light line. if they're not biting i'll just whack on about 2-3 m of 2 lb fluorocarbon. this seems to help.

    make sure your bait is a nice slim profile. this makes it easy to put on you hook and easier for the garfish to eat. speaking of hooks, make sure they are tiny tiny tiny.

    having small hooks makes hooking the garies heaps easier. often this is the hardest bit, especially when they aren't in the most cooperative mood.

    that'll do. the rest of what i know was covered in that article.

    hope that helps

  13. gday mate,

    it's understandable that you might be a bit anxious at killing a squid. for the unititiated they're pretty wierd, especially when you try to hold them and they latch onto you with their tentacles. just be careful when that happens that you don't get bitten.

    to kill squid i just rip their heads off. its not complicated but understanding the anatomy sometimes helps. i've found that there is a part joining the head and tube/body that can be easily separated just with light pressure from your fingers.

    anyway, the best way to learn is with experience, so get out there mate and catch some squid!

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