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Posts posted by Dancindan

  1. Have had a couple of good Saturday's on the Squid recently. Watts seems to be holding plenty of calamari on a variety of colours.

    Looking for someone to come out with who can show me where I might find a few fish in winter.


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  2. I headed out early this morning to chase flathead on the run out tide. Tried Sans Souci beach and got one legal flathead. 

    Thought I'd try the other side of the channel near the red markers. Was drifting with soft plastics when the rod with a small green wiggler went off. 

    After a nice fight I pulled in a 35cm trevally. I thought they preferred deep water? Was only in 4m. 

    Also landed this beauty on the Sans Souci side, one of my better catches.


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  3. Decided to believe an app saying the wind would drop a little and the fish would be on. Took the boat in at Sylvannia and tried to find a pocket without wind.

    Spent two hours in the wind drifting different spots and didn't even get a bite.

    Any advice welcome for Georges river or Botany Bay in the breeze or as it gets colder?

  4. 14 hours ago, jimg1au said:

    How do you rig up soft plastics to drift with I would like to try that


    I had a light jig head and let the plastic skip along the bottom, popping it up every now and then.

    The young bloke had a sinker, swivel setup, pretty standard issue, with the plastic wobbling around behind it.

    Not too much science, they must have just liked the pumpkin wrigglers 

  5. Took the nephew out this morning and rode the tide out along sans souci past the old sailing club. Ran some soft plastics on sinkers to let then skip.

    Caught some small snapper and flatties, then the lad pulled in a nice 62cm flattie on a cheap, 3inch pumpkin minnow.

    A little while later, he landed a nice leather jacket (released) on the same set up! Beautiful fish, I thought it was a lump of coral at first. How it took that hook I'll never know.

    I tried some prawns and got a baby whiting and small flattie, but the wind got up and we packed it in.

    The cheap pumpkin minnows were the hit of the day! Go figure!!!


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  6. Was drifting along the edge of the beach yesterday and hooked a nice 40cm flathead on a prawn soft plastic, but as we got him to the boat, he was being followed by another one almost double his size. 

    Not many others around. The prawn plastic also bought a few squid to the boat which latched onto the jigger once we dropped it in, so enough for a feed but slim pickings before the wind for up.

    Anyone had better luck around the bridges lately?

  7. Hey guys,

    I recently bought a 2nd hand boat and trailer and after the first time in the water, I noticed the wobble rollers seem to have left rubber marks on the hull. I'm guessing they are just old (2007 trailer) and need replacing?

    Anyone have this happen? What to do?

  8. Hey fishing people,

    After some advice. Recently moved to Sans Souci and have a boat. Been out 5 times now in various spots around the woolaware bay and georges river. So far have only caught a few small break and a small flatty. Been using prawns mainly and some soft plastics.

    Any tips on spots would be great. Tired of come home with nothing.

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