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Posts posted by RegentHoneyEater

  1. Hey again everyone,

    so I’ve been using the baitcaster and have gotten a lot better then before.

    I did get some really bad backlashes but it actually was quite easy to take out.

    have been practicing with the casting, birds-nests aren’t as frequent.

    I believe I have the vbs braking system in which I currently have four out of six brakes on.

    so as I get more comfortable with the baitcaster do I turn off more brakes to increase casting distance?

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  2. Hey Derek

    well I have quite a few areas to fish around. I have the mangroves as well as the open waterway.

    Im comfortable with frozen/live bait. However I’m willing to flick some lures. 

    will have a look at some of those videos.

    Thanks for all the help! 

  3. Hey again Derek,

    Thanks a lot for all the information! 

    I’ll start grabbing the above products, I want to try use more lures as I use plastics more often. I’ve been using the Zman ‘3 pearl minnows. 
    I also have a few frogs and a small spinner. I’m hesitant to use lures cause I always feel like I’m going to be snagging them lol. I think the above is definitely enough for now.

    Thanks so much! 

  4. Hey there Squ!rt and Derek,

    I will keep that information in mind. Will try to get those two knots learnt. There’s some great specials going on currently so I’ll try grab some gear. Any recommend lures and soft plastics? Haven’t had much luck on them except a nice flathead. Getting more inclined to bait however it is a lot more fun on the lures.


  5. Hi Derek,

    I plan to go with your recommendation of 6lb Kairiki or the J braid with the 8lb leader. 

    I think I definitely need to learn some new knots, I currently use the palomar or double palomar knot. Will have a go at the FG knot.

    Thanks for all the really helpful information!


  6. Hey Derek,

    I needed a setup for freshwater. I do finesse fishing however I want to branch out and try different styles. I’m relatively new to lures etc. 

    Any information will be extremely helpful.


  7. Hey there Derek,

    will give top water fishing a shot! Looks fun, I guess I’ll need Sugapens and an Atomic rod,  😶 thanks!

    I have been watching DrewM, just checked out Sand Flat Fishing, looks quite nice!

    I’ll go in store and have a look at what Atomic Arrowz have to offer, and also the additional gear lol.


  8. Hey Derek

    I was thinking of around 6lb-8lb braid. I would be fishing in freshwater at rivers, lakes etc.

    Would be fishing for small to medium sized fish, or really whatever the reel could handle. There’s no specific target species.

    budget would be around $150



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