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    Newcastle/Port Stephens

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  1. I got mine done in Raymond Terrace by Caz's Custom Canvas ........... https://www.facebook.com/cazscustomcanvas/ Fantastic job .............. rebuild & redesigned ......... reasonably priced .......... couldn't be happier.
  2. I have had some difficulty with this boat ramp at LOW tide a few months ago with the trailer sinking in the soft sand which is washed in in the strong westerlies. Just before the lock-down, it was fenced off with the the pending planned improvements. As I live in Newcastle, I haven't had the opportunity to check out the progress being made to the ramp. Can anyone provide an update??? I am hoping that there will also be some floating pontoons provided, (like that at Soldiers Point). As I mostly fish on my own the previous situation I found very awkward (impossible???) when there was any wind or slop happening, as it is almost impossible to park the trailer and not find your boat washed up on the beach when you return. Again can anyone update me on this??? Shoal Bay is impossible on your own with any sort of slop wrapping around the heads, while Soldiers Point is fantastic, but its a long way out there ...... and a long way back out through to the Heads. Considering the number of boaties using the Bay, surely they deserve better facilities like the ones at Soldiers Point. Now I've had my little rant ..... I feel much better!!! Surely the restrictions will SOON be lifted.
  3. Yes I know it will be a week or two in order for the debris to clear, however I am keen to blow the cobwebs. I intend to chase Snapper from Port Stephens area. Can anyone advise whether they will be more likely to be found "in close" or "out wide" once things settle down a bit.?? I assume that the water will be "fresher" in close, so I suppose I'm asking whether they like coming into this water to feed on "stuff" that is flushed out through the heads. Any suggestions welcome.
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