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Posts posted by fisher_fez

  1. Hey fellow raiders,

    I believe Berkley platics should not be put back into the pack with unused plastics after use.

    They are too expensive to throw away!

    How do you keep them for next session of fishing if still in good condition?

    Do you wash them with fresh water & seal them in a plastic bag?

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.


  2. Launched at Cooks River Ramp 12noon Sunday. Nice upgrade to existing wharf!

    We drifted plastics & bait in the vicinity of Brighton beach. Weed heavily covered our baits, hooks & sinkers. Another drift at Kurnell Groynes with the same result & no fish :mad3:. Hmm, I wonder if the bananas on the boat has something to do with this!!

    We tried Watts Reef on anchor for some trevally & leatherjackets but only managed a few yellowtail. The water at the Reef was quite dark and the current was reasonably fast. We moved and tried for trevally elsewhere but only managed one at 30cm at one of the markers.

    We eventually settled down at the Hot Water Outlet & floated pilchard pieces for 3 tailor to 45cm and couple of large yellowtail. Also hooked 1 Port Jackson Shark & 2 Fiddler Rays which were all released. You sort of know it's a shark but always have a slight hope of it being something else, he,he,he.

    Even here the weed was still a problem. Baits under float & free floating were checked often & cleared for a chance to catch a feed. Does anyone know why all this weed in Botany Bay? I fished Hot Water Outlet few times before without any weed problem.

    We were on the water for 7 hours. The water was very calm & very little wind. 3 Tailor, 1 trevally was the final count. Not a great catch but nevertheless still good fun. Hope to include some photos in the next post.

    Does anyone manage to fish between these weeds? What techniques are used with plastics & bait?


  3. Hey robeebee,

    There are some good fish to be caught mainly bream on plastics and lure in this location. I have not fished the wharf at the northern side of the park but fished along the area on the western side. It's mainly catch & release area. I don't know if I would eat the fish from this location though.


  4. G'day raiders,

    I am a new member and this is my first post, so here goes!

    I normally fish Botany Bay in my 4.7m fibreglass half cabin Crusader(mouthful). I try to fish once a week weather permitting. At this time of the year I normally target trevally in the afternoons & fish for tailor at night. I love the taste of leatherjackets & don't mind catching a few for a feed!

    Here is one for the jewfish gurus. Is there a time of the year where jewfish fishing in Botany Bay is a waste of time?

    Could you still catch jewfish in June, July & August in Botany Bay?

    I have been a long time reader of raider forms & happy to have taken the plunge to join & associate with fellow raiders.


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