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Posts posted by Waynocantfish

  1. 7 minutes ago, DerekD said:

    We can help you with that part.... Classic is that you don't play golf with the one club. Alternatively, you can blame people like me... Derek said I won't get the full benefit of fishing lures till I get something that he or one of the other Fishraiders recommended. Then the good old fallback of "honey, it was on special at half price so I'm actually saving money".

    Start putting aside a bit of spending money though...

    Only been at my new job for 3 weeks will wait a couple weeks I've got a couple of old hard bodies and 1 soft body lure I figured I'm not expecting to catch anything first couple of times so that could be good to learn some technique then i can well i'm starting to get how you do it now i need to get some line for the reel and proper lures. There's a joke in this house if I put my tin on the desk then they think I'm saving for something then sometimes I get donations lol.

  2. 8 minutes ago, DerekD said:

    Good news: The reel looks about the right size but I can see a rod in your future for lure fishing so you get to do some retail therapy too. :mfr_lol:

    Actually that 6 foot 6 inches rod should work to start off with. I've got to do a bit more checking up.

    Thank you the missus is already giving me those looks now I've dusted off my fishing gear I am hoping what I've got is good to start with and then when I've got an idea of what I'm doing then give her the news. I know first thing she will say is whats wrong with what you've got now.

    • Haha 2
  3. 4 minutes ago, DerekD said:

    Hi @Waynocantfish

    Once we know what gear you have we can make some suggestions. On the rods should be brand, model, line rating and ideally lure rating. I've had the Raider series of bream rods since the mid 2000s so there is a chance the rods might be graphite.



    Had to go out to the garage to get something so took some pics of what is written on the other rods I have and the little reel, dads bream rod is 10ft




  4. I'm working from home the rest of the week so I will check out what my rods, the other when i getting my gear out I found a brand new reel in the garage still in the box that I forgot I bought probably 8 yrs ago told the wife I was going to get some 6lb mono for it will get some braid instead.

  5. 12 hours ago, DerekD said:

    Hi @Waynocantfish,

    I might be able to sneak in one more fishing student before the end of year.

    Could you make it to the lower north shore one weekend. It would cut the learning curve dramatically.

    Currently I have this weekend pretty free. It starts to get cluttered again after that.



    PS. If Wayne takes me up on the offer I'll have one other spot free if someone else is interested in learning more about lure fishing on light gear. It is almost as easy to teach two people as it is one. Any more though and it gets a little too hectic. Rod should be graphite in the 1-4kg range and about 7 foot long, reel in the 1000 to 2500 and ideally a light braid of 4 to 6lbs. Leader around the 8lb mark. Starting location would be Mosman bay.

    Appreciate the offer mate but unfortunately I'm busy this weekend, My Dad was a gun Bream fisherman but he never used lures,  My best rod and reel combo is one I inherited from Dad when he passed can't remember how big the rod is but he said it was his bream rod. He got from work when he retired but got diagnosed with chronic lunge disease not long after and only used it once or twice before he got 2 sick I think I've used it 3 or 4 times.

  6. G'day Everyone

    So never been lure fishing and been researching everything about it i can just wondering if they are some good places around Sydney for beginners to go.

    Wife commented tonight she is looking forward to a feed of fresh fish, i told her the fish shop would be best bet.

    Im in Western Sydney but dont mind traveling a bit to get to a spot just want get a few sessions so i get an idea before i take the kids.

    Any help is greatly appreciated



  7. 21 minutes ago, dirvin21 said:

    I'd suggest try making a post in the "fishing chat", ask questions that's a major part of what FR is about

    Will do going to do a bit of search around the forum and see if things I would like to know have asked before no point creating a new post if the info is already on here. I've already found some interesting stuff in the library

    • Thanks 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, dirvin21 said:

    Welcome to Fishraider, there's plenty of info to get you started 

    Thanks mate looking around at way to rig lures i found a couple of old ones in my tackle that i didn't know i had and I haven't used, thinking about going for a quick session on Sat to scope out some places to take the kids.

  9. G'day Everyone

    My names Wayne or Wayno to everyone been lots of years since i've been fishing and now due to a change in jobs im now finding i have some time to go fishing again.

    I have no idea when it comes to lure fishing and i would love to learn how to.

    Kids have grown up and decided they want me to take them fishing so i am trying to fimd as much info and learn how to lure fish before i take them.

    So im here to soak up as much info as i can, im not to good on boats so im interested in land based fishing.

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