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Dumpling Democratic

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Posts posted by Dumpling Democratic

  1. On 12/17/2023 at 5:19 AM, Pickles said:

    Hey @Dumpling Democratic, keep fishing Balmoral, but upgrade your gear, I’ve hooked some Bull sharks there at night (scares me a bit seeing all the early morning swimmers crossing the headland over the bait grounds there). Also tailor and salmon there at the moment (Dec 2023). Have you tried filets of fresh yellowtail and slimies. I’ve found the Yakkas around Balmoral pretty small, so maybe butterfly one. I also like circle hooks - rarely miss with these, but DONT STRIKE, let the fish take and swim off with the bait and hook themselves. Fishing with circle hooks is very different to other styles of fishing.

    Wow thanks!!! Im heading out today to balmoral. Ill write a reprt about it soon. Ive tried using yakka fillets before and caught big trevally. I do have some cricle hooks. What size should i use? 

  2. On 12/2/2023 at 6:39 PM, Larkin said:

    Gday Raiders,

    any secret way to get fish stink out of clothing/gloves?

    Caused by fish blood and fish slime.

    I soak in nappy san, but have to soak it a couple of times to get it out, and sometimes after I dry them the stink comes back. 

    Any specific products that you all use that’s super effective?

    After a session, i just out my clithes in the washing machine. It fine after that

  3. Hi. Ive been fishing for a while now and im starting to use live bait (yakkas). I usually throw out a livie at balmoral but havent caught anything yet but i have hooked onto some big fish that have smoked me off tho (at that time i was really bad at tying knots but im better now 😆). Anyway, i would like to know if there are any goods spots where i can catch salmon or maybe kings (some bonito would be nice too) pls give any advice u have. Cheers


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  4. So sydney water is disgusting but the fish markets are too expensive sometimes. Are there any spots within sydney where i can eat fish from? I eat yakkas and trevs from balmoral, bream and whiting (sometimes flatties) from d y beach and thats about it. D y dont really fish well for so and i am looking for a bigger varety of spots. 

  5. Hi. Ive been fishing at balmoral since last autumn but never caught any kingfish. Can someone please tell me if they are there in the summer. I have covid now so i cant go. During spring, i hooked onto one but it snapped my line on the pylons and i saw one chasing my lure but no hookup (didnt strike at the right time).  Also are.there any squid there. Plenty of yakkas tho.

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