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Posts posted by Fishin4AUT

  1. Yep, that spot in Wollongong is the south side of the lighthouse point.

    apart from avoiding snags, is it more ideal to fish onto sand? As I would be using a float rig for most of my fishing, would the rocks hold more fish due to it acting as structure or would it not make a difference whether I fished onto either surfaces?

  2. Hello fellow fishraiders, I'm planning to go down to the south coast and have been checking out Bellambi and Wollongong harbour and wondering if the rock ledges their are any good. I know they both have break walls but most times I have been they always been crowded especially at Bellambi. 

    I attached 1 photo of the ledge next to Wollongong harbour and 1 of bellambi.


    Any advice would be appreciated.


    IMG_0265 (1).jpg

  3. This may be silly but do you reckon a paternoster rig but with a float on top would work, so you could have 2 baits out while possibly reducing the risk of snagging.

    but I was thinking about this more for rock fishing where you would have your regular bait on the bottom (would have to be something heavy to stop it getting tangled like a whole pilchard) and have a surf popper on the top loop as an extra attractant for tailor, salmon and so on



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