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Posts posted by stevenfeinbier

  1. Good morning all,

    I would like to discuss a few issues on the water that have happened to a close friend over the past week.He is a commercial fisher! That means he is self employed , pays taxes , boat rego & ins , hefty liscence fees and every other cost associated with running a small business just like many others.He is on call to work 365 days per year like most primary producers so its hard work to say the least.

    Several days ago[out only by chance] whilst checking traps near a southern syd reef system he noticed an upturned boat in the breakers with some people in the water. Without hesitation he & his decky raced into the surf and picked up the dad and a few children , some of who were not wearing life jackets.This was a windy day with no one around so what if he wasnt there?? . On notifying the police they asked him to bring them in to sans souci as it would be longer for them to get there. So off they transported these lucky people many many kilometers to safety. Twenty kilometers and a few hours later they are back to work end of story!

    A week later he is fishing at a reef system we have fished consistently for over 20 years. This reef is now absolutely infested with boats thanks to a particular article in a magazine. Whilst fishing between the boats there with one line and the utmost care not to effect others [as he has every right to do] there comes a police launch charging towards him. They pull up and ask what he is doing and he explains " im an LFB just doing my work!" . The police obviously p---ed off at the clown among the flotilla who called them to report some "illigal activity" kindly offer an apology and go on their way.A great morning out off sydney!

    A day later he is fishing another random spot.There is only ONE boat drift fishing near by with soft plastics so no impact what so ever on the other boat and he gets yelled at to ---- off you so and so etc etc. Another great morning off sydney.

    Now this tirade of abuse is not restricted to pro fishers either.Whilst trolling the north head of botany bay on a sunday afternoon a few months ago with my girlfriend i experienced some lovelly verbals from a crew of rednecks with no idea what so ever. We were trolling up and down catching bonito with no one in sight when along comes the ship of fools trolling towards me. They decide to cut inside and guess what? Both diving lures caught on the secret little bommie i was going around the outside of.Now this was obviously my fault and we were rightly abused for putting that rock there and not telling them.If it were a busy day on the water i would never have bothered responding but as the ocean was empty and we were the only two boats for miles & miles i couldnt help myself from letting them know how careless they had been and if they had any idea at all they would have known what lurks there.

    Im sure these are not isolated incidents and would encourage people not to assume they are the first person to fish a particular location or assume they have more rights to fish somewhere than others. You dont!

    One day that could be you in that upturned boat washing against the rocks and if the guy who is travelling by chooses to be as ignorant as some of those listed above then who knows ??



  2. Great fish Wade !!!

    To answer mr fishy fishy"s post >

    I have fished with Billy near 20 years.During our days fishing the wide area known now as the "Hill" in the eary 90"s we never came across a single boat in the area we fished.....ever!

    Like every spot there is always someone who has been fishing an area before you.........commercial or rec.You could say no game fishers really took an interest in the area until we consistently got big fish there.


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