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Posts posted by xib

  1. I dont doubt it was a black. we hooked one in 60ftms off kiama on thursday that i could of sworne was a blue the way it was jumping in circles,greyhounding and charging at the boat.it wasnt until we got the fish on the trace that we realized it was a big black of over 130kg. unfortunatly we straitend the hooks on the trace only 300mm off the tagpole


  2. hi brett

    while i have never fished the tubes i have gamefished jb a lot and there is definatly sharks in the bay.id be waiting for summer for your best chance when the sharks are on the banks or other near by reefs.if this season is anything like last season there will be thousands of whalers on the banks and with all that action close by there is bound to be some sharks around the rocks.the majority of the sharks last season werent big ranging bettween 20-90kg but there were a couple of larger fish mixed in.

    unfortunatly i have never lbg fished (but i wouldnt mind trying) so i cant realy give you any tips.we got our whalers last year while fishing for blacks using mono and circles.any way good luck with your dvd and battleing the the crowds at the tubes

    cheers matt

  3. hi brett

    i might see you there if i can get some mates to come. is banjo patterson reseve not far of victoria road. if so i know the one, do you fish off the warf or land base.

    cheers matt

  4. hi brett

    thanks for that i might give it a try soon. and with the mono i was refering to leader.we still use mono main line between 10-24 kg.but plan to use 80lb braid and a 20ft windon leader on a stella 20000 from the beach so should have heaps of stoping power if i do hook a good one.

    cheers matt

  5. thanks alot for the info brettman i have wanted to chase sharks from the beach for a while now. i wouldnt mind trying blacksmiths beach at swansea. its 4wd access and doesnt have to many swimmers and often has deep gutters and holes.have you ever tryed 400lb mono and a circle. all the whalers and hammers we get off the boat have been caught on mono while marlin fishing at places like the banks.and also do you get many through winter?


  6. hey driftwood

    i also live within the area and often fish the river for bass. fishing under the bridges at both windsor and north richmond will get you fish as well as any snags or low hanging trees. i dont realy fish windsor but i know the park on the western side of the river at north richmond has quite a few snags but be careful because some of them are hard to get down to.


  7. hey guys im looking to buy a large threadline combo for chashing marlin and tuna or jigging big kings. i am a big fan of shimano so at the moment the stella is in front but i though i would see what other raiders think. and also any suggestions for the rod


  8. got back today from the jervis bay game fishing club junior classic in which my two younger brothers were compeating in.

    day 1 saw us trolling to the shelf in our trusty little boat jake two. this was the first trip to the shelf for jake and the first trip out the heads for luke (congrats to both of them for not getting sick). apon arrival at the shelf we hit a patch of stripe tuna from which we tagged 3 and lost many more.that got us and early lead but at only 10 points each not much of a lead.we then headed out to 250ftms were jake managed 2 dolphinfish 1 tagged and one good fish of 90cm kept for dinner. the rest of the day was slow until back at the kink the tld 25 loaded with 10kg took off. this time luke was on strike and hooked up to wat we thought was a good size tuna until 40 minutes in a stripe marlin of about 90kg jumped out and all of us went nuts because finally after 8 marlin lost shortly after hookup one stayed connected. dave and his crew on offtap then joined us to guided us through the fight which after two hours ended in dispear when what we later found out would have been a record breaking fish for a smallfry busted us off.post-5114-1239606092_thumb.jpg


    day 2 was a late start but we found another patch of stipeys which other compeating jb boats were working. out of this patch we tagged 5 until they moved on. shortly after i spoted a mako crusing the surface. and within seconds of droping in some burley we had him swiming in the trail. down went a dead bait on 24 and strait away he was hooked up and jake had the job of bring him to the boat which wasnt to had until the tag went in. the fish went nuts jumping and striping line.15 minutes later the fish was released.post-5114-1239606768_thumb.jpg

    end result saw jake come first, caige from offtap second and luke fourth.




  9. keep at it croydon im still after my first after losing 7, 6 of those before i could get to the rod and 1 big black after about a minute or two our last attempt had 1 minute of madness for the whole day in with we had a double hookup and a third attacking a lure (the 1 minute fight with the black was the end result) all of this with just two on board.


  10. thanks again for the tips Warnie the fact that i basicly put the drag strait to strike was obviosly a contributing factor into why we didnt hookup. i have seen guys hookup on circles exactly how you described but once agian i must admit it was excitement that got the better of me. it was a costly mistake but one i wont forget. once again thanks


  11. hey guys when fishing out of jb this weekend we had trouble getting a marlin to hit the bait. this was made more fustraiting when we herd of boats with multiple hookups. we were fishing the same area using the same techniques (walking the baits) but we couldent get a strike till after lunch when the fish shut down(we didnt get a solid hookup because we hit the fish to early being all excited). after talking to a fellow jb gfc boat we found out they had 4 hookups 1 tagged and 3 snaped off at the boat. this lead us to assume that the 300lb jinki we were using was to heavy and therefore we got less strikes. my question is would i be right in saying that our leaders were to heavy and if so what brand and breaking strain do you suggest.


  12. hey guys after reading the articale in the sunday telegrath i started to wonder could there be a link with the increase in shark numbers and marine parks that have been placed up and down our coast. it seems that when the marine parks started showing up so did the sharks. these are just my thoughts


  13. here are a few of the lures i have madepost-5114-1234591052_thumb.jpg the large popper and pencil are made of wood, the blades sheet metal and lead and the popper and cicada imitation were made from old thongs.

    i havent tryed the small popper but both blades and the cicada have caught fish. i am now thinking about getting a lathe and making heads for large game fishing skirts


  14. hey guys i went down to north richmond for a bass fish. after a little while a big carp followed on of our lures right to our feet. i qickly changed from a lure to a piece of bread and the carp just vacummed it up.it was just as well cause there was stuff all bass about. any way hears the picpost-5114-1231758759_thumb.jpg


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