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On The reds

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Posts posted by On The reds

  1. Hi guys, im thinking of bringing the boat up and going for a fish after work next tues 14/02/2011. I will be launching at Sylvania, my question is how has it been fishing around the bridges etc. I used to do well drifting the run out tide from tom uglys to captain cook, so any info would be appreciated


  2. I was out there on sat night, started up at the drop off and worked back to the bridge. i think we had about twenty prawns on board when we stopped near the boat ramp and watched the bank up of people trying to get their boats out and we where catching prawns left right and centre.

  3. Last year i booked the trip for my dads birthday, just hoping he might catch the snapper he will never forget. We flew down to Adelaide then jumped in the hire car and drove to whyalla. I invited two mates to come along, Shane the human esky and Dazza. 5.30am Sat with a 20km north wind blowing we made our way to the first drop 23km to the south of whyalla, with no hits after ten minutes we moved to the next reef. I picked up a small red of 42cm. Skip said pull em up boys were movin so to the next reef we go, shane hooked up on stingray that could not be lifted so the line was cut. We moved again to the next reef were the ol man hooked a gummy shark which kept him busy for a while and then we moved again to the next reef, by this time the wind was around thirty five and the sea was a white out so we called it a day. The skipper had done everything in his power to put us on fish but no result, On saturday we covered 100nm in sloppy conditions. The wind was around 40kts before i went to bed it looked like we had not much hope for sunday, up at 4am i could hear rain hitting the roof. I opened the front door looked out and to my suprise the trees where dead still not a breath, had bacon & eggs then we made our way to the marina for a 5.30 start. We headed out to the first reef i baited dazzas 8/0 with a lump of squid that would choke a horse, only five minutes into it dazzas bait is smashed and the drag on the penn was screaming the fish was netted a 8kg red. Didnt that lift the spirits of everybody looking at the fish bang im on now, and shane a double hook up then dad is on aswell triple how good is this i thought. when my olmans fish came on board even the skipper was impressed, this snapper went 1mtr long for 15kg the rest of them were between 8and 12kg. We bagged out before the sun came up HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD


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