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Posts posted by steve351

  1. G'day all,

    Decided on friday arvo to give my favourite jewie spot ago. Just on dark this jewie decided it was dinner time and hammered the mullet fillet, it put up a good fight, giving us some nervous moments, trying to keep the fish away from the anchor, before i set the gaff and landed it into the boat. What a great way to finish the working week and start the weekend! It wasnt the biggest jew to come from this spot but at 10.6kg we were not complaining! Here's my brother with the fish.


  2. Hi all, i headed out to botany bay for an arvo session at my favourite bream spot along silver beach. It wasnt the best of conditions being wet and windy but i had a feeling that the fish would be biting. I had a good start with the first two bream coming in not long after the baits had hit the water. The first one was a cracker hitting the 43 cm mark. It then went quiet for around an hour, but as soon at the tide changed the fish came with it. With in the next three hours i had collected a mixture of 18 bream and whiting. The fight of the day went to a thumping 40cm tarwhine, i wish bream fought as hard as them! I packed it up just as it got dark and was a happy boy heading back to the boat ramp.. until i arrived at the ramp and realised that some f$#$% a#@$hole had stolen my trailer :ranting2: I called the police and they were kind enough to let me dock my boat at their base at sans souci until buy another trailer. I couldnt believe it i have used that ramp for years, left my car and trailer there till the early hours of the morning and never had a problem and these dead s#$ts took of with it in day light cause i was back at the ramp by 6pm.

    So guys if you hear or see anything about a dunbier 2000 model trailer with rollers for a boat around the 4.5m mark can you please let me know. I can tell ya it wasnt a nice way to end the day. It was stolen from Hawksbury park boat ramp sylvania waters on 3/9/10


  3. Hey keflapod

    I always anchor up, never tried drifting. I dunno how that flathead didnt cut me off on 3kg line, i always lose smaller one's next to the boat...funny thing was when i went to cut the line to release the fish, i open its mouth and see another little flattie sticking out of its guts hahah!

  4. Gday all,

    Went out monday afternoon in search for some botany bay bream. It ended up being a hot bite with 18 bream in total being caught, the biggest one was 42 cm. We also landed 2 whiting, 4 trevors and a 3.2kg flathead which we let go to fight another day. Sorry about the photo quality as it was taken by a mobile phone.


  5. Hey guys,

    Set out on saturday arvo with my brother with jewies on our minds. We arrived at the bridge at 6:30pm which gave us a good 3 hours fishing until the top of the tide. 3 flathead and a bream were landed in the first 2 hours. With 1 hour to go until high tide we were still hopeful of landing a jewfish. Well the last hour did not disapoint with 5 jewfish landed. The biggest fish measured at 85cm. We let one go to fight another day. The rain didnt give us a break for the whole time we were there but it was well worth it!


  6. Keflapod i didnt mean it in a bad way! I should have said bream MASTERS! Both you and jim are usaully always on the ball.. I dont know what anyone else does in the bay that doesnt post on here but from what i can see you both are very consistant.

    Jim i dont think there were any black bream in my catch mate.. there was 1 or 2 that were a bit darker but i dont know if thats because they were residing in the weed. Cause i caught a few on clean sand the bream were nearly white! Did you find heaps of reds around??

  7. Hey keflapod,

    It has been a while, i have been fishing for jew more than bream latley. Me catching all the fish?? hahaha i think you and jim are the vaccum cleaners in the bream department. I fished on my own for around 5 hours through the run out.

    Cheers mate

  8. Yeh the rain doesnt bother me its the damn wind and rain together!! It was pretty sloppy earlier on, but did improve through out the day, i thought the fish may have shut down but they were sure there.

    Happy new year jim, im sure you will carve them up tomorrow.. i had to change locations a few times along the kurnell stretch but every move paid... some quality bream in the mix

    Cheers guys

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