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Everything posted by steve351

  1. G'day raiders Ventured out in the bay today to fish the run out tide around towra for bream. After kicking myself for not going out yesterday as it was perfect for most of the day i wasnt going to miss out today. Arrivng at my usual spot cast after cast i was met with brown weed which sticks like super glue to anything attached to your line, and if that wasnt bad little reds were eating my bait. This forced me to venture into new territory towards kurnell, and from there on the action was none stop. It was a mixed bag at the end with 13 bream, 3 whiting, 2 tarwhine, 1 flounder a and 1 occy.
  2. Huge haul ! Excellent effort in the SE wind.. Cheers
  3. Awesome catch jim ! Well done, good to see your patience paid off Cheers
  4. Yeh jim it needs patience alright! Fishing for jew is my love but breaming in between is good for a change. I went for bream on tues night and landed 8. Im finding towra is a bit slow at the moment and most of the fish had eggs. I find the towra bream are thin this time of year as they have laid there eggs, i guess they are running abit late! The fish was taken on thurs night matt. Cheers
  5. Hey guy's Due to all the great reports that kept comming in about george's river jew i decided it was time to give it a crack with the full moon aproaching. I wanted to be in the water with 3 hours of the run up to go... As soon as i finished work raced home and my bro had the boat ready to go. We got in the water and headed up towards como. With hawksbury squid and mullet fillets not getting a touch it seemed it was going to be a quite night on the jew front. 3 hours had past and nothing!! and i thought oh well thats jew fishing for you... and then the silence was broken by one the best sounds you could ever hear!! My brother jumped up grabbed the rod and set the hooks in.. armed with 30 pound braid and 60 pound leader my brother was in control.. the fish gave some curry close to the boat, some quick work avoided the jew running around the burly bucket.. waiting with weak knees and the gaff in hand, the fish surfaced close to the boat and i hooked the gaff in!! We couldnt contain our excitement hugs and hi fives!! We didnt hang around, pulled anchor up and headed straight for home to put the fish on the scales.. It measured 114cm and weighed in at 12.9 kg
  6. Nice catch mate. I fished around kurnell on sat for 13 pieces, it seems that the fish are starting to come around but that weed is a pain in the ass!!! I like to fish shallow water but its impossible with that stuff around, it takes over everything on your line.. cant wait till it disapears. cheers.
  7. Hi guy's I fished two spots yesterday and all fish were caught on nippers and how could i miss the car park at the wall !! I couldnt believe how many boats were there!
  8. Awesome session mate!!! I only dream of fish like that...
  9. Hi raiders, Went out for a quick morning session in Botany Bay. It was a slow start for the first hour only picking up two bream but within the next 30 mins the bream came on strong! Came home and threw a few straight on the BBQ for lunch
  10. Hey keflapod, i went out on christmas eve and caught 10 bream and 3 flatheads... i took my dad out the next day and we only caught 1 bream and 1 whiting.. I visted the exact same places and it just wasnt happening.. who knows what go's on down there!
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