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Posts posted by dancin

  1. fished with garies for donut. switched to soft (terrible) pillies and the salmon and tailor wouldn't leave us alone. baits were that soft we just used pilly tails and still got hit every bait. tailor were small though.

    Conditions were:

    falling tide but not the bottom of the tide

    sandy bottom fishing in the wash close to rocks

    1-2 hours after sunrise

    sydney land based

    mar/apr i've usually seen the uptick in tailor activity.

  2. just wondering if the position of a ray's mouth lend's weight to the bent hook argument? perhaps.

    another piece to the puzzle might be the water temps - if you were in a warmer patch than the rest of the water column that might be the reason it stayed up higher - then i'd be betting on a kingy or frigate/mac tuna or lost barracouda.

    for what it's worth my money is on a japanese sub's periscope.

  3. Nice effort on the Forster excursion.

    When I was in high school, living in Tuncurry, my old man and i were drifting for flathead in really clear water and we watched this monster flattie coming to the surface, about 70-80cm, only to get it 4-5 foot from the boat and watch it kick away. I threw my handline in the bottom of the boat, cursing like a sailor only to pick it up and land a nice pan size flattie. Once again, the smaller fish had swum the line around the gills of the larger one. Would have lett he big one go anyway but a photo would've been nice.

    It makes for a great story though!

  4. Yeah nice fish for you fellas. I was on Rivenge II with Glenn, Gail and the boys Jesse, Jeremiah and Deano. Great piece of water there just in off the Shelf, no clusters of birds but they were diving hear and there. That fish we dropped just before you guys hooked in was set to be a very nice Blue.

    Raised two others, one we didn't even glimpse and one that was tempted into the skirt. We fed out a bridled slimy to third fish which was smaller but no hook up on that either.

    I think between the two boats on Saturday, it was 5 fish raised, 1 tagged. So with similar weather predicted, the competition will be game on this weekend.

    Good luck,

    The Other Deano

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