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  1. Unfortunatly they have closed the the wharf due to the lack of care from some people. Everytime i would go people would leave bags of rubbish on the grounds or even worse throw there stuff in the water so eventually they got sick of allways having to clean the place up and shut it off. It can still be accesed by boat its just around the bend from clifton gardens. I think that it was one of the best land base fishing spots i have ever gone to. while fishing there over a year I saw 1 metre kingies, My Jew fish, huge leather jackets, Lots of yellow tail and tailor, slimey mackrel, squid, blue swimmer, 70cm+ flatheads big bream, octopus , eel and probably a few other types I never saw. The day I pulled out my jew fish there was about 4-5 kingies Easy over 1 metre tailing it to the surface so there some monsters down in those waters.
  2. hi guys Ive gone and bought some crab nets and im pretty keen to go try them. I live in parramatta and dont know any good spots for catching either mud crab or blue swimmers does anyone have any suggestions for spots??? also what is the best bait to use catch the crab. I have posted some pics of when i went to fish at taronga Zoo Wharf. I had caught a fresh squid that night and had kept it for the morning. As the sun was comming up ive thrown a few lines out hoping for something nice but 1 hour went with a few bites here n there but nuthing to get excited about so i put a large piece of what was left of the squid on my line which had just a swivel n trace and thrown it out to pack my gear up. As i was packing the gear i saw the rod bending to a point where it was seconds from flipping into the water and as i have grabbed it and given it a nice yank back i could just feel the fish run. well after a good 15-20mins of fighting i pulled up a nice jewy and brought it back home. It was just over 90cm and between 4-6kgs. I had a 5 kilo line with a 30kg trace. theres some pics below.
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