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Posts posted by Gorms

  1. cut some fillets off, put them into a sandwhich bag.

    add one big table spoon of minced garlic, one big table spoon of butter or margerine. And then add 2 or 3 table spoons of olive oil or soy sauce. or both.

    take all the air out, mix it all coating the fish.

    leave in there for 20min - 3 hours. what ever you want.

    cook it up with some pepper as you go.

    Kingfish in garlic butter.

  2. where were you fishing nicko? alaska.

    poor thing looks freezing. i did a session out there the other night. all nighter on that gun spot i gave you the marks for.

    wasnt a gun spot this night, just pickers. Had squid from the fishmarkets too.

    anyway, 2am the wind was going straight through me. Had a mate up the front with a sleeping bag over his head to beat the breeze. I was down the back with 3 layers of clothing and a winter sleeping bag, didnt do a thing.

    Jewie fisherman are a special bunch during winter especially.

    might save the next night till tshirt and thongs weather.

  3. Sorry down to fish i am new, and it just was a kingy i thought i'd post . And its a question not a report

    on ya mate

    nothing wrong with throwing a beautfiul looking fish in along with your question.

    Good question too, i wish i had started up a fishing calander when i started with what i should be chasing each month.

  4. Well done guys, awesome footage! where is the Go Pro mounted on the last VID?

    Thanks very much guys.

    The camera was mounted on a pole i designed. Works well as it moves with the boat, and is a whole lot cheaper than a camera boat. hahah

    In regards to going on TVS, im happy to keep it free for everyone and put it on youtube, but was thinking if someone wanted to advertise on the side of the boat to keep us going they would be more than welcome.

  5. keep you eye out for the next video

    these kings are just the warm up to last weekends footage

    Well here it is!

    Heres the newest vid. Enjoy.



  6. Hahaha.

    Too funny stewie.

    Was a awesome trip simmo.

    The video of the latest session should be up tonight. I'll post it when it's uploaded.

    Lookin forward to getting out there again soon. The arms have just about recovered!

  7. G'day Raiders.

    Haven't had the best start to 2011. Went to head out for a flick the other day and after dropping the boat in realised the steering wouldn't move. I've got a 2009 mercury 60hp 4 stroke.

    Probably haven't kept the grease up a much as i should so not making excuses.

    A few questions I've got- hopefully someone can help.

    what work is required to get it back to 100%?

    If I was looking at getting power steering eventually ($700-$1000 i think the quote was), does anyone think that the cost to repair would be better spent on heading towards power steering? That's assuming the components of power steering will replace the current parts.

    Any info is appreciated



  8. Gday Everyone,

    Just wanted to wish everyone well for 2011.

    2010 has been kind to us with some good fish boated. Thanks very much to everyone who has contributed with their advice. I appreciate it.

    Heres a small video i put together to remember some good times during the year.

    From my boat to yours, Happy New Year



  9. Yes well after yesterdays debarcle :biggrin2: headed out again today. Beautiful morning light winds again from the nnw, nice rolling ground swell 1-1.5M from SE, bugger all bird life and again not much showing on the machine.

    A few boats around 10 at the most, 1 seal and not much else. First drop produced a nice 60cm king, swam off at a very Fast rate into the depths, 5 minutes later up comes a nice gemmie with another coming up on the jigs 15 minutes later. It has been strange as i have only heard of couta grabbing jigs, i really think these two got lost on the way too Browns, but on the other hand it is the 3rd week in a row we have jigged up gemmies from the 12 mile.

    At least an hours wait before the next fish comes up and it starts taking abit of line of the saragaosa, 10 minutes and a decent king comes up at 75cm. We begin to think things are happening but that was it. Hear of a charter boat getting spooled on 80ib braid 300M in 30 secs!!! unknown thief. I think that was what all the shouting was that we heard :yahoo: !

    Decided to end the day with a quick reef fish and ended up with a nice feed of flatties, 1 40cm snapper and a couple of mowies. Listening to the radio not much seemed to be happening out at browns, no Tuna, no sharks, only gemmies and the odd Blue eye. Seems to be a bit devoid of life out there at the moment. Temp we were getting was 16.8 in close and 17.8 out at the mile. I think temps were around the same at the mountain as well. Oh and nearly forgot to add thank god no jackets to be seen, oh forgot, i lie the only one i saw was in a seals mouth!

    Thanks for the report mate

  10. Hi Gorms, we were down there monday and did good.Scored 3 fin and 2 albies but were in 2000 fathoms of water about 40nm offshore a little to far for a 5m centre console. Head to the servo cross fishing shop at bermi and just ask the guy there he is very helpfull, maybe he might point you in the right direction.By the look of the sea surface temp most of the warmer water is heading ENE and to far out for most trailer boats. Look for the warmest water and birds and work it. Hope this helps you and good luck.

    Cheers Mike

    Thankyou for that. Looks like my timing might be off again.

    Hopefully we can get a feed around the island and get lucky on the trawl. Thanks again.

  11. Gday everyone,

    On the 23rd im heading down to Narooma/Bermi to have a shot at some Tuna for a few days. The reports were coming thick and fast there for a while, especially on fishbermi.com, but have slowed down recently

    Does anyone have any advice in regards to what depth of water i need to be in? ive only got a 5m c/c so normally i dont venture too far from the shelf.

    Ill have the outriggers and 5 rods working, with three on board. ive got a few Tuna HB lures and some skirted lures. 2 x 50 tlds and 2x 30's.

    Also, does anyone know of any reefs which hold kings in the deeper water around these areas? The marks i have for kings are in 20-30 meters and its hard to get jigs working well in around the island.

    Any info is apprecated, this will be my 4th trawl along the shelf and im yet to have anything to post. Would love to get a feed for the family im staying with down there in Tilba



  12. Up near the power lines in Wagonga is always good for Jews. Bream on the leases are standard.

    I always drop into complete Angler and have a word to them about what's doing.

    Also look up Narooma news online and read latest fishing reports which are spot on.

    Fishbermi.com/reports has some good reports now and then on esturies.

    Get some oysters locally to add to your meal. They are awesome.

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