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Posts posted by pustayo

  1. Hi There My name is Matthew I have currently exhausted all my leads to find a job, I have just returned from Europe and finding it near impossible to get a job at the moment due to the world economy crisis. I have bundles of experience in numerous different ares of work. If any one has any type of work in Sydney I would really love to hear from you please send me a personal message or call 0416669550.

    Best Regards


  2. I KNow he never called me a Liar, I was just saying why would i make up a lie, 1.3 meter kingys are rare but were around 2 years ago at the yellow marker nth head as I have photos of them to :) They were caught by the same bloke, This is why I did believe when he said it

  3. post-8810-1226540870_thumb.jpgJew hunter Why would I make up a lie ?

    Sorry for the delay guys, Have been tied down with work. Sending you the photos they sent me Im still waiting on Dougs photo it has my mate holding all 3 kingies

    This is what my friends called me up and told me, To clear things up It was 1.03Meters My friend is a retard and said 1.3 meters ( not the Brightest Kid ). Any ways Im uploading the first photo now the second should arrive by mms any minute now.

    To put this photo in perspective its a 45 ltr esky you can see

  4. So I woke up this morning to a very dssapointing call, Well for me any ways as i was supposed to be on the boat but was called to work the night before. My friend rings to say we found a school of massive Kingies. The first two they pull up are 90cm's and the last one they pulled was 1.3 meters all in Middle Harbour, Im not sure how he went for the rest of the day but i would say good considering it was 8am when i called him. When my friend wakes up ( he has been on the water for 13 hours ) I will post the pictures he took :). So jelous because i should have been there !

  5. HI There Just dont downrigg at all, I find I have most succsess just chucking a livey out and changing the livey every 30-40 depending on how it is swimming and looking

    37 trips and no kingies is a disaster Check the tides, I normally catch mine about 1 hour before High tide and 1 hour after high tide, No idea why its just what has worked for me also spend a bit longer mix it up and ye just dont downrig :) I know alot of people will probably comment on my comment as alot of people love the downrigging technique

  6. Hi There Im reasonably new to boat fishing, and wont hav a boat untill the end of Feburary when I will finally have enough money to get the boat I Desire, Was wondering IF anyone would take a quick learner on board, Know a few places for kingies and live bait, Can go ofshore or inshore, Can fish most weekdays and pretty much every weekend.

    Funny guy, young 22 yr old just really keen on fishing ever since catching my first lot of kingies.

    If anyone would be nice enough or willing to give me a chance please pm me

    Best Regards


  7. Hi There I had no troubles hooking up kingies in Middle Harbour last Friday, There are alot around just gotta be in the right spot at the right time, Try to the right hand side just as you come out of Roseville or try Seaforth bluff, both spots worrked a gem for me

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