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Posts posted by oapns

  1. Hi guys I'm heading out for an early session tomorrow morning but I've never fished Berowra before. I've heard along the shore in front of the houses is good for bream but if anyone can give any other spots would be greatly appreciated. I'll be in a boat so i can travel around, thanks.

  2. Hi guys the kids are back at school and I'm bored so I thought I might have a go at fishing the Nepean around penrith. I've never fished here so I would like any info on where to go and what lures to use, I will be on foot. Any tips would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

  3. Hi I have one of the fishing calendars but I don't think it is very good. The best thing I have is a navionics map. It shows depths in feet, meters or fathoms. It shows your speed, you can save gps marks. if you find a productive spot you can mark it so you can go back to it. It shows your trip and drift patterns so you can set your drift over pinnacles/holes. You can can also take landmark photos as a point of reference. I never leave home without it.

  4. Hello Raiders.

    I recently got myself an iPhone and was pleased to find quite a few handy applications available for fisher folk such as moon and tide charts, weather reports etc... One in particular is a fishing calendar very similar to an almanac. It displays expected successful fishing days in a month or week view, then as a day view it shows peak fishing times as a sort of graphical representation of success v time. I believe the application itself only takes in to account moon cycles and where they coincide with dawn and dusk periods, not weather conditions etc..

    I have a friend who swears by the same application and says it has been pretty spot on whenever he goes fishing. I myself have my doubts.

    One good thing I have found with the application is you can store very good information on your catches. Date, time, bait, where, weather conditions etc..

    I was interested to hear other peoples views on such applications. Has anyone else found them useful, accurate or is the best plan to just get out there and fish?

  5. Hi I'm going up to Forster for a week at the end of January and I'm thinking of taking the boat up. If there is any one who could share a few spots/ tips on the area would be greatly appreciated. Also what is the bar like at the entrance to the lake and what sort of fish can I expect to catch? Thanks.

  6. I raiders I've just bought a downrigger and have a few questions. Should I put my rod in the rod holder provided with the downrigger or put it in the boat. I'm a bit concerned about putting a $1500+ rod and reel in a plastic rod holder. If not should I put the rod in front or behind the downrigger, the downrigger will be in one of the rod holders as well. I'm getting serious about catching my first kingie this season and need a little help. Many thanks in advance.

  7. Hi I've just bought a downrigger and am not sure as to what size weight and clip tension use. I'll be be using it to chase kings etc, so any info would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

  8. Education needs to start with our children. I often take my kids out on the boat and they have ball. All fish that they catch go into the live tank and they take turns in releasing them when we r finished so they can go back to their " mums and dads". Now I personally don't eat fish, I fish for the sport but they eat it and understand that a fish has to be a certain size before they can take it home. Unfortunately for my old man this means that most legal catches go back for another day as well. If we can educate from a young age there a better chance that they can do the same thing with their kids.( kids ages r 4 and 8 ).

  9. Hi raiders, took my 4yr old son out for his first fish today. We didnt have much time so we only went out to parra river for a quick session. The wind was blowing but we had to make the most of it anyway. My mate landed a nice bream at 28cm, took a few pics and into the live tank for release later on. A couple more babies came then finally I helped my young bloke wind in his first ever fish. It was only a baby tailor but he got his photo taken and was proud as punch. He is taking the photo to school for news. He now wants his own blue rod as he had to use his sisters pink one. While we were there we also found a very big and deep hole just off cabarita point that was holding fish. With the right tide and winds it looks like it could be a goer. I was wondering if anyone else knows of this hole and if my suspicions are right, thanks.

  10. Raiders,

    Not too sure if any of you have experienced this before but I was pretty disturbed by it...

    went out last night for a couple of hours to try gather a few squid for the weekend.

    Went to my usual spot in the Hacking focoused on catching yakkas for a while till it got dark managed only 1 then I got the squid rod ready using a Pink Yo-zuri 2.0 with a small ball sinker running.

    The Squid did turn up in Numbers probably scaring the yakkas away by doing so.

    But no matter what I tried I could not catch one for the life of me.

    Took the sinker off I tried 8 different jigs and all they did is come up to the jig then back away.

    I was using 6lb Braid with a 8lb Vanish leader I was also thinging of using the squid leader I bought from the tackle store a coule of weeks ago but I am under the impression that the Squid were after something different... I used Pink,Orange,Blue & green couolred jigs ranging from 1.8 to 2.5 does anyone have any ideas as I usually get a couple of squid but not this time.. on a positive note managed to catch a few more yakkas after the squid settled down but would have much rather get Squid.



    Hi mate sometimes I find that a little bit of scent on the jig helps as well. I also find that when they won't touch the usual colours a jig in natural colour always does the trick. I hope this helps for next time.

    Reguards Michael

  11. Hi I was just wondering anyone has a opinion on the Samurai Reaction range of rods. I have a 701 teamed up with a twin power 2500 with 4 pnd braid and think it might just be the best ever light rod I've used.

  12. Hi guys I decided to head out for a fish with my neighbour about 3 weeks ago. We put the boat the boat in at apple tree bay and headed straight for the flats in jeruselem bay. It usually serves up a decent flattie and today was no exception, however this one was not the usual mid 40cm but right on the limit so back he went. Then decided to check west reef. We got a few rock cod and wrasse but nothing special so we decided head back into one of the bays. On the way back we noticed some birds near lion island so we went to investigate. On approach we found a massive school of salmon busting the surface. Excitment levels on the boat went through the roof as we raced to find some metal slugs. My current weapon of choice is a samurai reaction 201 rod (1-3pnd) mated to a twin pwr 2500 with td 4pnd braid. There were 3 boats chasing the school when we arrived but the fish were picky. My first hook up saw a good fight with 3-4 jumps before he tossed the hook right next to the boat. Still determined I cast straight back out to hook up again. The rod and reel was working overtime to hold the fish. After some acrobatics the fish was landed about 10 min later. He went 63cm and 2.5kg. I wasn't finished and was back on again 3 casts later. This one dove straight down bending the rod into a u shape, I wasn't sure how much more it could take. He was pulling drag like there was no tomorrow and I struggled to get line back. 15min later he decided to surface, just as he got near the top he dove again snapping my line. I was out of metal and fuming so we headed home, it was then that I made the comment that I probably should have put my 10pnd spool on instead of the 4pnd. My neighbour looked at me and said I was an idiot, but hey I like to be sporting. I will upload the photos when I work out how to do it.

  13. Hi all, I hoping some one out there could give link to a site that gives an illustration of the pr knot and is this the best knot for a wind on leader to be used for jigging etc. Any help would be great, cheers.

  14. Hi raiders, I was hoping to get out for a flick at some squid on saturday morning. Am I wasting my time or is there a chance I could still get myself a feed and some fresh bait? I really need to wet a line.

  15. G'day all, reading all the squid stories has me drooling, firstly caught heaps of fish but never squids, am going to give it a try soon,a few quick questions & probably simple for the experts out there.

    If anyone watched CSI( I think it was csi) last night, they were investigating a death & there were strange black marks & round sucker marks in the victims throat. Turned out that a radical gourmet seafood dinner was had where people actually eat various animals,(some live some cooked) worms, sauteed spiders & LIVE OCTIPUS, apparently the tentacles must be firmly wrapped together before swallowing otherwise disaster.I promise admin I am not suggesting anything like this,but it just got me thinking I should ask the correct cleaning methods.

    1/ when you pull them in(squid & occis) do they bite ( i amagine you grab the top part of the hood & steer clear of the tentacle area for ink & the beak?

    2/ how do you clean properly?

    3/ do you just eat the hood (once scored, marinated etc,) & I guess cut the tentacles off to eat.

    I imagine the middle section, head, eyes, guts is not edible?? only bait?


    Hi mate, yeah i usually just grab them behind the head and point it away from you. As far as prep i just cut the head off and clean out the guts ( ifreeze them for bait) then peel the outer skin off, I hope that helps.

  16. Hi guys I was hoping that someone could give me a few locations as to where the best place to catch squid in botany bay, as I don't fish there very often. Any help would be very appreciated thanks.

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