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Posts posted by YODA52

  1. I support recreational and pro fishing controls, such as Green zones & Yellow zones, Bag Limits, Size Limits and ever spawning closuers est. But the point of these is to improve fishing for everyone by protecting the natural stockes in any given area NOT to create another place WE can't use or by the sound of it even go.

    To quarantine a area by making it a sanctuary, such as a individual "eco-zone", such as mud flats, grass bed or a river or a reef or any other combination of these habitats for the betterment of that area is a noble endeavour. Howerver without our interaction there can be no concise sensis except for the few scientists who we have to pay to send in to collect the limited infomation in those areas and then only at the time allotted to them.

    Perhaps these Marine Parks people sould be looking harder at the TRUE PROBLEM which is, in my opinion, POLUTION. Polution of our rivers, coastal fringes and indead our reefs both by industrial and human interaction is still one of the major factors in our declining fishery.

    I would like to know the areas propose as "Sanctuary Zones" and the Resons that these areas have been chosen so that we can make a more educated and therefore acurate respons.

    May the fish be with you


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