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Posts posted by urchin

  1. Good shots mate.

    Not a cheap holiday that. I read in the paper today an American couple paid $200,000 for the 90 day voyage.

    Hard life 'ey!

    anyone whos been on a cruise would tell you its worth every cent...

  2. In my job I here this story about once a month. It usually comes after I have explained to a boss that what he has done to his employees for the last couple of years is highly illegal and he owes them a couple of bucks in backpay. Thats generally when the whole sob story starts and the small business owner tells me if he has to pay his employees the legal minimum requirement he would go broke and they wouldnt have a job.

    Haven't met one yet who decides to close his business and deny himself an income.


    mate, understandably its annoying not getting paid what you're either entitled to or supposed to get BUT it's ALOT better getting $2 than nothing at all..

    hopefully things will start to pick up again slowly..

  3. Hey mate,

    I have also experienced this at Clifton Gardens.

    I noticed that the squid there are generally a great size for live bait but nothing else.

    They are just too small for the larger jigs we throw at them.. even the 1.8's just seem to large for them.

    The squid around Clifton are very timid unlike those which are at Watsons.. they strike at anything!

    Your best bet would to keep trying and maybe even invest in a can of Egimax from either the site sponsors or from your local tackle shop.

    Good luck! :1fishing1:

  4. ditto to the above post.

    we do have to put in mind that they are not in OUR waters but we are rather in THEIRS. We must tolerate them and be more mindful of where we swim, what time of the day it is we are swimming and swim with others.

    Our best bet would I guess either be not to swim :P ( hard to resist!) or swim in the enclosed baths (which we all hope are well maintained and dont have holes in them)..

    In the end we just gotta be careful and not go too deep where we are essentially vulnerable to an attack...

    hopefully these attacks cease before a life is taken before us.

  5. it sure is a problem having the sharks in the harbour but what can you do.. I dont think its the best idea to go and catch then kill them all. Afterall, we DO jump up and down when the Japs kill whales and many asian countried kill sharks for their fins.. now howcome WE can kill them but they can't? They atleast want to use the sharks for something.. we just dont want them in the harbour! haha

    Maybe nets should be installed in more beaches for swimmers?

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