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Shellharbour King Quest


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After initially planning to hit Currarong last week which fell through, a new trip was organised with fishraider " Loomy Lover" to hit some well known LBG spots at Shellharbour.

After a late finish at work i was asleep at 1am only to rise at the gracious hour of 3am.

1st problem of the day : i snapped the tip off my main rod whilst packing the car :mad3:

The plan was to detour out to Concord to pick up my mate and make our way down from there. So upon arriving at his :wife: house at the arranged pick up time came....

Problem # 2 : the g/f fails to set the alarm :thumbdown: bit fishy i think..... and the fact his mobile was switched off!

So after hanging around a bit i decided to go solo since i was up and everything was in readiness!

Was heading to the "Battleships" as recommended by one of the good fishraiders. Found the location with much ease and arrived on site at 6am, however in my excitement to get fishing i

PROB # 3 : have pulled up short and after an hour of walking around trying to find the platform i realise it is around the next headland! so after wasting 1 1/2 hours trying to get to the ledge and fishing the wrong area

i eventually get back to the car and drive further up the headland and find the spot!

It must be said it looked a paradise, although i was beaten to the spot by another who had already landed some nice salmon, tailor and the biggest bream i have ever seen!!!!!!!!

PROB # 4 soon arose when the swell kicked up with the southerly that had pushed through and after 25 mins of bad fishing ( about 3 snags!) and a Near Death Experience i gave up and decided to look for a more sheltered area.

For some reason unknown i ended up at Bass Point about 10.30am to be greeted by hordes of fisho's... some were leaving after some success spinning for frigates

After setting up camp there i was confident of a hook up even though i was down to only pillies and squid

I managed to keep my bait in the water with no wave problems or wind but to no avail, PROB # 5 the BLOODY seagulls attacked my squid when i turned my back :mad3:

The pillies by then had gone all soft and squishy too :1badmood:

The other guys around me were having much more luck with some nice Bonito, Tuna and a King landed whilst floating out under a balloon, not sure wat baitfish coz it sure wasnt alive!!!

To add insult to my lack of bites i got fried quite nicely too !

Ah well , SUCH IS LIFE ! ( a bad days fishing is always better than a good day @ work)

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At least you know where the Battleship is now and can make a few trips there and see how it fires .Good on a calm night as well on the upper ledge . A chance of a good jew or reddie there on dusk :biggrin2:

Cheers Swordfisherman

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Hey kingvirgin,

Just a suggestion, you could always have a little metal spinning lure handy, like a spanyid or somethhing if u dont already have one, just in case that situation happens again. 12 grams maybe?

Just so u dont get left out on the action. :1fishing1:



Edited by Davy
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Cheers mate , know exactly where your talking about . The beach at minnamurra is called mystics

the fishing spot is what we call the jew cave .

The is plenty of remote fishing spots in that area.



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