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Friday Flathead

Guest madsmc

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Guest madsmc

Went for a quick early session this morning down at Swansea Breakwall and picked up a new PB flathead of 76cm. The lure of choice was a 3 inch Berkley Mullet in the sand perch colours. A nice corner of the mouth hookup ensured the leader stayed intact as the fight went for a lot longer than I expected.

At the hookup it felt like most big flathead do, a snag. Then it felt like a clump of weed. Then it must have realised what was happening and started going berko. It put on some big runs initially, so it took a while before I could get a first look, and after I got that look close to the rocks, it turned and put in three of the best runs I've ever experienced from a flathead. At one point I was just looking down at the reel, enjoying the sight and sound of the spinning spool.

Eventually she came close enough to the rocks for a net shot, but with the swell and rising tide it was pretty dicey and took a few goes to get her in the net. After a few quick photos and some measuring she was released on the calm side of the breakwall, and slowly swam away.

After a quick Adam Royter impersonation I went for a flick on the flats behind the caravan park for a few tentative hits, and a lone grinner.



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Top lizard mate. :thumbup:

And a big pat on the back for releasing her. Its great to see so many people have such good morals, especially when it comes to big breaders like your fine flattie.

There too good to catch once.



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Nice fish Shane!

Looks like the hols have been fruitful for you so far... Which side of the chanel where you on? The north or south side?

I hope you can keep up the good work and get amongst the Jew before you have to come back to the pickling factory...


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Guest madsmc

Cheers for the kind words guys. :biggrin2:

those mullet thingies seem to be getting you into the fish

Yeah I've caught a few decent flathead on them now, and even had a bream or two attack them. The one that tempted this fish was the last in the packet so I need to stock up again.

Looks like the hols have been fruitful for you so far... Which side of the chanel where you on? The north or south side?

I hope you can keep up the good work and get amongst the Jew before you have to come back to the pickling factory...

It's been OK so far Woz, this flathead has been the highlight so far. It came from the south side wall on the incoming tide.

First week I was plagued with little chopper tailor and only managed a few reasonable flathead from the harbour. This flathead was the pick of last weeks fish, and this week I'm looking to get stuck into some bream, and possibly some night time lure chucking for jew. Still plenty of time left to chase em, just got to make sure I get out there as much as possible.

Hopefully there'll be a few more good reports from me before I'm back at the coal face... :biggrin2:



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