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Botany Bay 14-4-06


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Hello raiders,

4days off for easter break, woo hoo and 1st day being today was an absolute CRACKER day on the water,

started off and hit the cooks river ramp at 5am and meeted by quite a crowd, ended up on the water by 530,

we set off to moll point to waste a bit of time, waiting for day 2 break so we could hit the heads and troll south for kings..,

anyways we threw around a few unweighted prawns for half an hr or so for ZILCH,

then came the trolling fun,

we trolled up and dwn the south cliffs to cronulla a total of 8 times up then back down,

we had NUMEROUS HITS but in the end only lucky enough to bag 1 frigate makerall and 1 bonito..

after trolling our next plan was to bottom bash our flattie grounds off cronulla,

we drifted around for around an hr or so for absolutly NOTHING, at ths stage our morning wasnt going to tee,

so we trolled back to inside the bay and gave moll point another go, but once again it was DEAD with only fish being caught were those pesky annoying ugly looking sweep arrrrrrrrgh WAT R THEY GOOD 4?? haha :mad3:

enough was had so we ventured out to the 3rd runway and set the anchor and got a nice burley trail going,

we landed a few nice trevs, between 10-15 slimies all roughly around 20cms but there fiesty little fu**ers

no comes the good part,







ohhh steves onto somethng nice here, maybe king hmmm no oh maybe big slimie hhhhmm no after a feirce battle over around 10mins no joke, with it being my bream stick with 4lb mono on it i called this god damn thng for every fish i could think off, no matter wat i gave it, everytime i looked at making yards on it ANOTHER run would be in order, minutes are quickly passing and i realli dndt no wat the hell i had on the hook, my last call was a sting ray hahaha,

then it starts to tire and i make some serious ground on the fish only to find it to be MY 1ST EVVVVVVVVVA KINGY WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

ohhh was i stoked sorry for the big wrds guys but WOW i was and still am so pumped, my 1st ever kingy at just a tad over 70cms, ohhh wat a AWESOME fighting fish, now i see y u guys love to target them,


after all that excitment we continued for another hr or so and was greeted by SAMMY AND CRAZEDFISHERDUDE we ended up boating a number of small bream, a few snapps and ohhh and also caught my 1st ever FLOUNDER hehehe,

so guys enough frm me,

awesome good friday for me on the fishing front, tops day and yay for me popping my kingy cherry...

looking 4ward to getting my 2nd now haha

hope every1 has a great easter

cheers steve



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and were even kind enough to share a pillie or 2 with Steve and crew :biggrin2:


:074: yea thanks for the pillies dude they worked a treat....

chris thanks for all ur advice mate on catching kings, :074:

although i just HAD to ask,

have u caught a legal this year???

cheers steve :1prop:

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Guest Sea Jay

Congrats mate well done and welcome to the club, that is great size fish aswell. They are definatley the best fighting sish aswell. You did exceptionally well to get that size fish in on 4 lb gear. Well done buddyy

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Well Well Well,what more can I say,

You now know how to get the Kingys goin, :thumbup:

you certainly deserved that King mate and the next few

that im sure you are goin to catch.

I've been out bush last 7 days,so I didnt read your

report till now,and it was a good read.

U didnt say though what bait you used,and what method

you used to catch the king,Im keen to find out.

Anyway well done top report and capture.

Cheers :1fishing1: Penguin.

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peeled prawn floated in a burley trail... just like u do it.

i was with him...

his first words after boating that king were "now i believe that penguin bloke" haha

Hahaha :074::074::074: that made me laugh out loud,

I was starting to think he wasn't believing me after so many

failed attempts,good on him.

:1fishing1: Penguin

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thanks penguin mate :1prop:

chris hada bit of a cuhckle to him self wen i said that but yea they

were my exact wrds NO I BELIEVE PENGUIN lol,

ohhhh such a thrill to land that bugger i was pumped,

oh and what a fight wooow weeeee bring on number 2..





cheers steve

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