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Georges River Landbased Easter Sat


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Decided I'd get up and go have a crack at some bream around the pylons of Alfords Point Bridge this morning but upon hearing the reports of the westerly that was on the way thought I'd better have a backup plan so I called into the tackle shaop to grab some bait incase the wind gods were not kind and throwing light weight sp's into a roaring westerly in not my idea of fun.

Well arrived at the bridge just after 6 and the sun popping it's head above the horizon made my way down from the road to a roaring gale rushing straight under the bridge, 2 casts that 90% to where I was aiming was enough for me to go to plan B.

I made my way along the shore to a little beach that was a bit more protected, whacked my rod holders in the sand baited one rod with worms and the other with prawn and cast out the tip instantly went ballistic with little pickers stripping both hooks clean in a matter of seconds. Great I thought this is going to be a fun morning but I perservered rebaiting hook after hook at one point becoming so bored that I played with a toady by the shore letting him grab hold of the bait and quickly pulling him up onto the sant then kicking him back in :wacko:

After about and hour and a half I was sick of this so I baited up again and sat down to have my Jam sandwich and a cuppa before I head of to try and find somewhere more productive, just as I'm about to pull my second rod in the tip bends over and finally I think Hey something bigger than a picker that by this stage are driving me nucking futs as I grab the rod to bring it in I feel it give a little run and though I know it's nothing special on the end I'm happy to have a fish and I bring in a 28cm flattie, I grab the little bugger to remove the hook and he latches hold of my finger and starts to thrash about violently. I for a breif moment consider seeking vengence with my fishing knife but soon realise that it would be very immature so I let him go telling him I hope something big eats you ya little ba$#ard.

With my faith now restored that there are actually still fish in this estuary and that all the people on fishraider don't just make up stories that you really can catch fish and finger bleeding I decide to stick it out a bit longer. I bait up again and cast out and decide to go flick some sp's around the mangroves and see what happens, I put a #2 squidgy wriggeler in bloodworm on a 1/8 jig head and chuch it out a couple of slow cranks of the handle and next thing I know BUUUUUUZZZZZZZZZ, of goes the little shimano it's then I realize I forgot to do up the drag, a few running adjustments and a minute or so later I've got a noce pan sized flattie for dinner :yahoo:

I then proceed to catch a few small choppers and lost a few sp's in the process and a little flounder so the talley for the morning was 2 flatties, 3 choppers and a flounder all returned except for the flattie Im having with chips and salad tonight.

Edited by robthefisherman
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Good to see you kept at it Rob ,thats a pretty good report and catching anything on SPS is buzzzzzz :biggrin2: Still trying to get you out in the boat for a session ,let me know when you are available and I will see what we can organise :thumbup:

Cheers Swordfisherman

Mate I'm on holidays till the 3rd May so anytime after the long weekend will be good for me :thumbup:

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