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Thanks Raiders!


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Hi all,

I must admit, in all honesty, that joining this forum has contributed immensely to my life experience, and I cannot fathom a day without fishing, a feeling I never had before.

But probably the most poignant and touching moment I've experienced is the sight of Ash Jnr., my mate, and faithful fishing companion, practising his casts in our living room. He's found himself a 'half' rod, reel and rigged it to a plastic fish and away he's gone. Right now, he's flicking plastics, NOT bait and pretending that he's landed his PB flattie - 34cms :yahoo::yahoo: . See photo attached.

This site, the people I've met here and their genuine interest in teaching a novice, has eventually found its way to the next generation, for which I'm grateful. Thanks to everyone here.




The PB flattie


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Hi Ash,

Great to see you and your son enjoying the pleasure of fishing.

I have just picked 2 rods for my kids, they are canoe rods- ungle stick make some and so do topaz, their great for kids as well, 3.6 feet long with a nibble tip and 6-8 pound line weighting.

Used them for the first time this easter with great results. I brought ours from a tackle shop on Victoria road at west ryde for $45 dollars, but today i went to parklea markets - there is one fishing store there which had a couple for $30 :mad3: if your interested. The uglystick version is slightly dearer and has a shorter butt.

P.S. need to meet up and talk about tactics regarding the hairtail social - i will pm you my phone number, come over and ill show you the rods if you like.



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Nice post Ash. :1prop:

What sort of blokes would we be if we didn't share our knowledge with the next generation?

Oh, & good on you for asking lots of questions, drinking lots of beer & trying your best to expand your own fishing experiences.

It's great to see your young fella sharing your passion. That's gold.

See ya at the very cold social!


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I sent my sister too little twins in North Queensland (see pic) a rod each so they could start getting the feel of the rod etc (nothing wrong with starting em early) and all they want to do now is get grandad to go to the creek with their new rods and catch Mud Cod lol. It brings back the days of me harrasing dad to dig up some worms and get down the creek when I was 'knee height to a grasshopper"!

The boy, I will be getting him a rod too so I can start the fishing craze early on him too. Wont their parents be loving me for that lol!


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