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Charters. Are They A Good Idea For Novices?


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Hey guys,

I have been looking into going on a charter as this is something I have always wanted to do. However, I dont want to be a pain in the arse to everyone else on the trip that can fish!

Is it best to do a charter when you have caught a few more than 1 fish?

The one I was going to go on leavs from Bribie Island. It is $160 for the day and that includes morning tea, smorgasboard lunch, all bait and all tackle! That seemed like a bargain to me. What do you fellas think?


Corinne :)

ps, hoping o post a nice photo of a big fish this arvo!

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Guest Jewel

Charters revolve around looking after folks who cant fish!

Some are obviously better than others, so do your research before you fork out the $$$

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Hi Corrine,

Charters are an excellent way to learn the ropes when you are new to fishing. I find them a great option when I want to learn new skills or techniques. Apart from that a good fishing charter is simply a good (albeit expensive) fuss-free day's fishing.

This charter - is it a large group excursion (e.g. deep sea fishing) or is it a sportfishing trip limited to small groups? The price is not bad if it is the latter.

If funds allow, go on a guided trip with a small group of friends or family (three max). That way you can ensure you get a decent amount of coaching from the guide.

Trips with large groups of anglers can be fun, but might be a bit tough going if you aren't too experienced as the guide's attention is severely divided! Unless, of course you go out with a fishing club where you will have plenty of experienced fishos to help out.

Don't worry about getting on the nerves of other fishos on a trip - in my experience, if you are keen to learn, many experienced fishermen take much pleasure in showing you how to do what you do better.

Anyhow hope this helps - I'm sure many of the more experienced raiders will be able to tell you more.


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Thanks fellas, that makes me feel heaps better! The charter owner said that they will make up numbers to a min of 14 people. Hopefully I will be able to hold my own somewhat and not have to ask too may questions! I can't wait!

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G`day Fellas ,

Corinne , It has been my experience that Ist timers on charters Male or Female , generally are blesssed with beginners luck.

And I`m sure no self respecting operator , would dare let a newbie go home empty handed , so don`t forget to take the camera , and just enjoy yourself .


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Hehe, that sounds like my idea of fishing! I will laze around all day on the cat in my wide brimmed Joan Collins hat and have someone take a few pics of me holding a rod, and then I will go home with a 2000L freezer worth of fish that someone else caught for me!

All this while trying my best not to throw up! Soooooo glamourous! :puke:

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Hi Corinne,

It's a bit difficult to generalise about charters: there are good and bad operators (like in most other things), So check it out well before spending your $160. Ask the operator for referals to satisfied clients or ask around the tackle shops and at fishing clubs.

I'm not really a fan of charters, but I've been on a few. Some were excellent.

But some were shockers, like the one I went on when holidaying in up at Harvey Bay many years ago. As soon as the boat stopped and was at anchor, the skipper and his deckie left everyone to themselves and started fishing. To make matters worse, they were the only ones to catch fish!

If you can get yourself on a good charter, they are a great way to catch some nice fish. By a good charter I mean: a reasonable size boat and a relatively small number of anglers (ideally, eight or less, otherwise line tangling can be a problem), and a knowledgeable and helpful skipper and crew, who won't fish but will help with baiting hooks and removing fish from paying guests' lines.

I went on a couple of beaut charters near home a couple of years ago. Fishing tackle was supplied (if needed), as was bait. The skipper was a professional fisherman during the week and used to take out small groups of fishos at weekends. He knew where all the reefs were and on which one's the fish were biting. We didn't put lines in the water until he'd located fish using his GPS and sounder. Everyone caught as many nice fish as they could possibly use in a couple of hours of morning fishing.

Importantly, unless the weather was good, the charter was called off and a full refund made. Beware charter operators who go out in bad weather, but then stay in close, fishing overfished sheltered reefs -- everyone will be sick for no fish.

A good charter is a great way to catch fish and well worth the price. It's not unheard of for some fishos to sell their boat, if they only use it a couple of times a year, and use charters instead -- there's no large outlay on boat, or running costs and maintenance. You don't have to launch, retrieve and clean the boat, or worry about obtaining bait or locating fish. On the charters I went on, the skipper and crew even helped you clean your fish!

When you go on your charter, do yourself a favour and avoid the dreaded seasickness, so you'll enjoy your fishing. Even a gentle roll can turn some people green. Many people take motion sickness tablets, but I prefer ginger tablets (obtainable from chemists) because they don't make you drowsy, as most motion sickness tablets do.

Hope you have a great charter and catch heaps of fish.



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