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Recreational fishing in Botany Bay is set to get even better with the deployment today of six small artificial reefs.

The reefs are part of a three-year $369 000 pilot programme funded by the Recreational Fishing Trusts.

The reefs will create new fish habitats in this popular recreational fishing spot, attracting various species of fish.

The six reefs will be made up of 180 concrete reef ball modules, which can be easily moved, or removed completely, if necessary.

DPI staff are deploying the artificial structures in six locations this week - Yarra Bay (3 reefs), Astrolabe Cove (1 reef) and Congwong Bay (2 reefs), in depths ranging from 9.6 to 14.1 metres.

Prior to the deployment, scientific surveys of the sites and surrounding natural reefs were conducted so they could be compared with the artificial structures once deployed.

The program will play a vital role in providing information on the benefits of artificial reefs as a fisheries enhancement tool. Research on the reefs will aim to determine the structures effectiveness and any likely impacts.

The study will give the NSW Government a sound basis for making informed decisions about artificial reef construction and their effectiveness in the future.

The artificial reefs are a great example of recreational licence fees being put back into the fishing community.

Funds raised from the sale of the recreational fishing licence are placed into two trusts, one for saltwater and the other freshwater, and can only be spent on projects to improve recreational fishing in NSW.

Botany Bay is the second recreational fishing haven (RFH) in NSW to trial the artificial reefs, six similar artificial structures were deployed in Lake Macquarie in December 2005.

For more information visit the NSW DPI artificial reefs webpage.

Media contact: 02 8289 3949


Dont know why they are putting one in Astrolabe Cove, a majority of that area is already a natural reef with rocky outcrops, weed beds and drop offs???

Would have made more sense to put one further upstream along the flat sandy areas in the middle of the bay or even further up off Ramsgate or Brighton.

I wonder how big these concrete balls are and how big an area they will cover?

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