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Live Bait Tank


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Hi All,

Would like some valuable experience if you have time.

i am installing a live bait tank and need to cut an overflow into the rear transom (of a haines signature 4.6).

There is an existing outline in the fibreglass on the outside of the current storage bin which i am converting.

Do I mark up first with tape, then drill / file out shape and how do I finish off proffessionally,with beading/gelcoat etc.

I look forward to your guidance.

Any other tips would be greatly appreciated

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I would stick masking tape to where I plan on drilling so as to prevent the drill slipping. I would drill using a hole saw bit to suit the skin fitting outlet I plan on using. The skin fitting are usually threaded so its a simple operation, Just use some sikaflek around the fitting before threading the nut.


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Cutting a big dirty hole in a glass boat is always a scary job. Martin is on the money i reckon just make sure its sealed up nicely. Sikaflex is pretty hardcore stuff and exy too, i have just used a good marine sealant in the past and never had a drama. Make sure you use a large overflow too, many people go way too small.

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