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You can find all the ministers here http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/Prod/Parl...tCurrentMembers

Write them an e-mail, apathy will be our demise people, its time we started acting!

here's mine;

Dear Mr Iemma,

I am an active fisherman/spearfisherman from the Sydney southern suburbs, i regular use these waters to carry out my pastime. I also frequent Narooma and other south coast locations purely for the sole reasons mentioned. If these popular fishing towns are locked up as a result of Marine Sanctuary Zones i will probably never return. I would one day like to teach and take my children fishing and see the joy of landing a fish in our backyard [sydney] on my young ones face, this is a luxury that will soon be abolished if your marine parks continue to lock up popular spots along the NSW coastline. The pathetic research performed has proven nothing and the lack of independent research only proves your ignorance and willingness to bend over for easy votes.

Well let me tell you this, I for one will not be voting Labor in the next state election, not only myself but the 1,000,000+ other recreational fishermen who use NSW waters to carry out their pastime will also not vote Labor, my wife and friends that don't fish also will not be voting Labor, as my small insignificant bounty will no longer be shared with them! Instead these votes will be going to the State Liberal party, now who's getting easy votes!

Have a nice day.

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Good one Gibbo.

Does anyone have the same info for Queensland govt ? It's time to get ahead of the game up here because Beatty's likely to call a poll soon & he's going to be looking at making some deals with the Greens for preferences. Marine sanctuaries could be on the agenda.

When I get the info I will post it so Qld fishos can get in early to prevent this BS.


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G`day Fellas ,

I had already very quitely written to Ian Macdonald ( State Gov Member For fisheries )some three weeks ago .

As one would expect I have had no reply to my letter.

I stated quite emphatically , that as a card carrying member of the LP , that should the Marine Park from Port Stephens to Forster go ahead , I would resign from the Party , and Vote liberal for the Ist time in my life , and would continue to do for the rest of it

The libs are rubbing their hands and licking their Lips at this Terminal Mistake By NSW Labor , but I still do not belive the libs will reverse the decisions made by them , lets face it , "THEY NEVER UNDO".

If you ask me , I get the feeling , that NSW Labor , knows they are gone for all money , and are so far over the edge , there is no turning Back.

It remains to be seen now , just how much of the Parks present format , goes ahead .


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I'm in the same boat as you, as a lifelong Labor supporter it looks like I will be changing my vote. By embracing the greens the fools have actually attached themselves to a dying cause as the green vote has been declining Australia wide.

Have you thought of voting for the Recreactional fishing Party or Dr John Jenkins in the Upper House. They actually support our cause. As far as I know the Coalition has only said that they will "review" marine parks. They are not comitting themselves to anything.

Edited by billfisher
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G`dayFellas ,

Heya Billy , When told of this Marine Park debacle , at first I thought it was some sort of sick joke .

I mean to say , Here we are , proposing to cut off the oxygen to every little coastal town , who`s sole income depended on tourism .

Tourism , that lives or dies solely on fishing related activities , and nothing else .

A quick flick through the web pages of any Coastal town on the east cost of Oz , will list " Fishing and Camping" , as Its NO I priority .

Lets face it you don`t get an annual Migration of 100,000 people to Coffs Harbour for a bloody Flower show , nor 100,000 to Port Stephens for The Arts festival , you get these numbers of people who want to go camping and fishing with their familys , the same way everbody has done for the last 100 odd years , so what on Earth were they thinking.

I made my intentions quite clear to the Minister In Charge how I felt about this unbelieveablly stupid suicidal project , and what my intention were , so I suggest everybody does the same .

Write the Letter out by hand , and post it to him personally , that way you know it will get his attention eventually , because as far as I know , hand written letters to ministers , are Still required by law to be answered personally by the relevant Pollie.

Emails can so easily be deleted , and I believe most of the secretarys are instructed to do so , so Pinch a pen and post him a letter , and see what happens .


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Billfisher makes a good point - if you're going to take your vote away from Labor it would be better served going to a single issue party such as the Recreational Fishing Party. The best bet that we as recreational fishermen have to overturn the marine parks (if that's your objective) is to get enough votes to the Fishing Party that they can either:

  • get elected as a sitting member, or
  • have sufficient votes for it to be worth being approached for a preference deal

At least this way you can be sure that they will treat the marine parks as a number 1 priority in their dealings with the party in power.

Voting Liberal is unlikely to achieve anything as they're probably not going to overturn the marine parks even if they do get up (and plus they're a bunch of unsavoury characters anyway).

Given that the next election is going to be a close one now that Labor have royally stuffed up on so many issues there's a reasonable chance that a minor party like the Fishing Party could hold the balance of power if they get a couple of sitting members. Imagine that!! The marine parks would be gone in a heartbeat (or at least the rec fishing bans would be) if the government had to get the support of the Rec fishing party every time they wanted to pass a piece of legislation.

Hey - this approach is what gives the Greens so much power so why not use it against them?

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G`day Fellas ,

Mondsie ,

We Trusted Labor , and so desperate were they to cling to power , they done a deal under the Counter with the greens to win Government.

They will almost certainly need the Greens support again if they somehow manage to get Close , but even if they do win with the Greens support , the poison challice will contain more nasties to allow them to tighten the screws even further , and once done , it will never be undone as we all know.

Personally I have no faith in these minor partys Like " The Fishing Party" , and the " Rec Fishing Party" , because they have achieved absolutely nothing to my knowlege , and probably never will .

But if anyone can post a list of anything at all they have achieved , then I`ll reconsider

We Had Bob Smith attend one meeting here when we began Forming a committee to keep the Old Bar Entrance open , and a few years down the track ......Zilch ....... , but the committee is still working hard trying to achieve their own goals , but have long left Political Swingers far behind.

S`matter of fact , Iwas hoping to post some news on that very matter soon , but I just can`t get hold of my Contact , I think he`s still on Hols.


Edited by OWZAT
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