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Wanna Get A Tinnie Quintrex Vs Stacer

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i wanna get a tinnie what is better, a stacer 420 seahawk, or a quintrex 420 estuary angler.

similar price and set up can any one tell me which is the better hull

also is it worth getting your boat painted white for an extra $1000, is there any benefit other than looks. rather than leaving it plan old tin.

thanks guys i value your opinions


also any tips on how to convince the wife i need it would help

My opinion is a professional factory paint job, as long as you are likely to look after it and not knock it around too much, looks nicer. If you want something that you can knock around a bit more, forget the paint.

As for the wife, ha, good luck.

Personally I'm quitting smoking using the patches (19 hrs with no ciggie, longest in years, I'm a hopeless addict, dozens of quit attempts), which I should do anyway, but since she's been bugging me for 8 yrs to do it, what can she say when I want to upgrade my old thing and I say 'I quit smoking and save us a fortune, surely I should be able to spoil myself with a newer boat'. She'll go weak. :)


Gday Caine,

Mate both boats are manufactured by the same company Tellwater, and there is little or no difference in build quality. Both a top quality tinnies.

Go for what best suits your needs as their may be some very slight differences. The Stacer should be a bit cheaper and a painted hull on a boat that size should only be $400.00 dearer max !

The painted hull is a nice touch but painted tinnies do bubble through electrolysis so you gotta wash them thoroughly and that takes extra work. Its only advantage is a visual one really. Maybe spend the money on a better motor if the budgets tight.

If you want the good oil on the Stacer talk to Huetts at Cowan.

Cheers :thumbup:


thanks sk i was not aware of that. they look the same!!!!

i dont even wanna ask which engine i should get. cause i dont know who to believe

i have a choice between etec, johnson, mercury.

i know everyone here will say etec but is it worth the extra dosh, on a little tinnie


thanks sk i was not aware of that. they look the same!!!!

i dont even wanna ask which engine i should get. cause i dont know who to believe

i have a choice between etec, johnson, mercury.

i know everyone here will say etec but is it worth the extra dosh, on a little tinnie

Ahh, the motor debate. How boring.

Not that I know much, but my advice for a small tinny, for moderate use for a bit of fishing & cruising, the cheapest out of your 3 options will probably be the right choice. My 2c worth anyway.


I do believe that there is a difference to the Quintrex Millennium hull and the Stacer alternative, despite the fact that both Stacers and Quinnies are made by Tellwater. I don't know if you're looking at hull design, but make sure you compare every facet of the boats you're looking at, Caine.



i know everyone here will say etec but is it worth the extra dosh, on a little tinnie

Yeah i would ! dont know if you can get one small enough though!

Honestly as long as its new it should be fine on a 4.2. Performance is not always as big a consideration on small tinnies. If I was to choose between the brands you mentioned it would be Johnson though.

I do believe that there is a difference to the Quintrex Millennium hull and the Stacer alternative, despite the fact that both Stacers and Quinnies are made by Tellwater. I don't know if you're looking at hull design, but make sure you compare every facet of the boats you're looking at, Caine.


I dont think The Millenium hull is part of the 4.2 meter range of boats, I think they start at 4.8 meters.

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