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Study Of Marine Park Effects On Local Community

Guest madsmc

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Marine park impact report worries council

Eurobodalla Shire Council says it is "extremely concerned" at the results of a report that analyses the impact of the Batemans Marine Park on the economy of south-eastern New South Wales.

The independent socioeconomic report predicts the park will cost the region $30 million and up to 55 jobs in the first year.

Councillors yesterday discussed the report by the Canberra-based Strategic Economic Solutions to finalise submission to the marine park authority.

Mayor Neil Mumme says the council will seek State Government assistance to soften the blow.

"There is a great amount of concern now that we have a definitive socioeconomic study in place," he said.

"It is a very concise report and there are some alarming things in it. I guess we have to spend a lot of time lobbying the respective ministers of the State Government to ensure that some of these outcomes are curtailed and indeed improved on what this report forecasts."

Councillor Mumme says the area needs to brace itself for an economic meltdown.

"The $30 million-odd downturn, that's a conservative figure, that $30 million downturn in income to the tourism industry through recreational fishers," he said.

"Our economy will struggle with it, with a hit like that, there's no doubt about it because it is a substantial amount of money that flows through to services and employment and things that happen within the shire."

No doubt the results of this report will come as a bit of a shock to the Greens and the Labour Government who have been touting that there would be no ill effects of Marine Parks on local communities.

It might come as an even bigger shock to the NSW taxpayer who will ultimately have to foot the bill for the rescue package. :thumbdown:


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  • 3 weeks later...
:ranting2::1welcomeani: Thanks for posting this reference to the marine parks saga. As fishernman we must not lie down and cop these No Fish Zones.Having fished these beautiful areas all my life I am devistated that this will all end, if these idiots have their way. There has been NO Australian Scientific Research been carried out to prove that there is any benifit in such sancturies. This is totally a political move for green preferences using us fisherman as the footballs.We may be a salty, smelly lot but we are not idiots... I urge ever fisherman who cares to make as much noise between now and the elections as they can Because if these drones get their way, we will all be fishing in aqua culture tanks as there will be no where for a recreational fisherman to go to catch a wild fish.It is not Australian and it is not right to be dictated to by a bunch of piscatorial ignorants. Every NSW fisho must take the time to ensure their vote counts at election time. :ranting2:
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Primary Industry Minister McDonald, after making a fool of himself in offering a study of a coral reef in the Bahamas as scientic proof that marine sactuaries will be of benifit to NSW, was questioned in parliment. When asked for further scientific justification he quoted a letter:

The NSW Branch of the Australian Marine Sciences Association (AMSA) is a professional organisation comprising over 150 marine scientists. The Australian Marine Sciences Association supports the creation of marine protected areas as part of the longer-term vision for sound planning and sustainable management of Australia's coastal and oceanic waters. We therefore applaud the State Government's commitment to the development of Marine Parks along the coast. The establishment of Marine Parks is a key initiative to protect biodiversity and marine habitats and to maintain ecological processes in coastal waters. In addition, Marine Parks protect fish stocks from over-exploitation and conserve fish habitats.

It would appear that AMSA is a marine conservation lobby group. – (From their web page):

“The NSW Branch of the Australian Marine Sciences Association has over 150 members and is a leading organisation promoting understanding and wise use of the coastal and marine environments of NSW and elsewhere. We have an active student membership and are engaged in the following

Lobbying relevant politicians and government agencies regarding issues of marine conservation, such as development of a network of marine protected areas and protection of threatened species.”

The AMSA in NSW has 150 members – probably including their active student membership – It is doubtful that they have 150 marine scientists. Their website has a research section but it is empty! The site is just full of the usual greenie opinions masquerading as science.

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After reading their opinions and putting them into context in the real world it becomes obvious that these people are just junior scientists who are fishing for research grants, after all it is more beneficial to your career if you tow the party line, this is the reason why the only people speaking out about sanctuary zones are the more elder scientists such as Dr Julian Pepperill and Professor Walter Starck among others who do not wish to make their names public for obvious reasons. Rec fishos are up against an extreme green lobby group as well as a number of scientists who are hell bent on ensuring their funding for the next few years, ask yourself, who would be more likely to promote the truth to the NSW public.

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It is not Australian and it is not right to be dictated to by a bunch of piscatorial ignorants. Every NSW fisho must take the time to ensure their vote counts at election time. :ranting2:

Well said Ross. I think the only way we are going to get a reasonable outcome for recreational fishing is to show the current Labour Government the exit door come March 2007, along with the greenie friends they seem so intent on bending over for.

Bye Bye Morris and Co. I don't trust any of you with the future of my sport. :1badmood:


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After reading their opinions and putting them into context in the real world it becomes obvious that these people are just junior scientists who are fishing for research grants, after all it is more beneficial to your career if you tow the party line, this is the reason why the only people speaking out about sanctuary zones are the more elder scientists such as Dr Julian Pepperill and Professor Walter Starck among others who do not wish to make their names public for obvious reasons. Rec fishos are up against an extreme green lobby group as well as a number of scientists who are hell bent on ensuring their funding for the next few years, ask yourself, who would be more likely to promote the truth to the NSW public.

Exactly. Yet there are people on this site who cast doubt on Dr Walter Starck comments because 'scientists just please their funders' (plus that he has an American accent!). The point is that the likes of Starck and Peperell have the seniority and independence to speak out. Also the experience and knowledge to see through the myths that our fisheries are in terminal decline and that marine parks are the only way to save them.

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Exactly. Yet there are people on this site who cast doubt on Dr Walter Starck comments because 'scientists just please their funders' (plus that he has an American accent!). The point is that the likes of Starck and Peperell have the seniority and independence to speak out. Also the experience and knowledge to see through the myths that our fisheries are in terminal decline and that marine parks are the only way to save them.


Loved the bit about the yanky accent. The study that the advisors have taken their advice from is from the good old USA...or maybe lower Zarzidua at the bottom of the Siapan sea...what's that got to do with our species or bio diversity?. I really am suffering a lot of un wanted blood pressure from these drones...but we can beat them and that will be worth it.

If any one has not been to Pretty Beach they should look it up on the map and go there.

Sit on the grassy hill admire the rugged beauty that in there so natural while you rig your beach rod,whilst the kangaroos hop past. Enjoy the breathtaking view, the rugged coastline to the south. A white bellied sea eagle may hover above the rugged cliffs as Mother Ocean ends her journey as she crashes onto the shore. Un inhabited, wild, magnificent Australian coastline all the way to Batemans Bay.This is my favourite piece of the world and these idiots threw a dart at the map and chose it as a NO FISH ZONE.....why!!

Having just returned from the Barrier Reef It is a joke to look at a chart of the Pacific Ocean and see the sections of green zones , yellow zones. We travelled and trolled 100 nauitical mile one day and had to pull the lures in 6 times only to put them back out 3 miles further on. Over regulation at its best and totally useless

Recreational fisherman at places like Pretty Beach may take a few salmon, bream and a few tailor from the area, but not enough to put a dent in the migratory population. So why have a no fish zone?

Is it that the greens have the timber in the forests sorted (that's good I agree with that well done) The koalas and ducks are Ok! ..( that's also good) The whales and dolphins are in the thousands.( Oh they breath air and they make me feel warm and nice..that's good too)..So they now want to save the fish from the monsters that catch them and eat them ..fisherman....that's bad, especially when they don't need savin' and they have NO AUSTRALIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH to back there very flimsy overseas theorys up.


My long time fiend and fellow pioneer of the current tag and release program Dr Jullian Pepperal agrees with this theory that there is no evidence that no fish zones are needed as discussed with Allan Jones on 2GB. And that's good enough with me "ON WITH THE WAR" We will fight them on the beaches We will fight them everwhere We might be smelly, we might be salty but we are not idiots and we pay for the right to fish where and when we like. Keep up the noise people............. Ah! must go and have another blood pressure pill :ranting2::thumbup:

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G`day Fellas ,

As a former card carrying Member Of the Labor Party , I honestly believed that by sending Hand written letters to most of the Labor Front benchers and to the Premier Himself , I would have received a personal reply back .

Not so I`m afraid , Rather , I received the standard "mushroom" auto email type reply in addressing my protest .

I then emailed them , all in turn , and advised them that if they if they persisted in Pursuing this Scatterbrained Scheme , that I and many long time " true believers" would vote them out of Government in March 2007 .

This second attempt was greeted with "Mushroom" reply no 2 , so as a direct result of those replies , I wrote a final hand written letter , explaing in full as to why I had resigned from the party.

Now , the consensus of a large group of Retirees in my Little town of 3500 who I have personally approached and discussed this matter with , stated quite adamantly , that it would without doubt , create Mass unemployment and also send a huge Majority of buisnesses broke , who rely on the tourist trade.

One quote form an informwed source stated (A recent study of the Mid North Coast , showed that Tourism alone , contributes 50 Million Dollars to the economy of Forster ) , and if you multiply that by all the Hamlets along the coast , it can only mean a total disaster awaits the Coastal Dwellers.

So , with all that Info having been forwarded to the Relevant Parties , it would appear that they intend to proceed with their plan , at their own Peril , stupidly and arrogantly , ignoring the overwhelming evidence their own polls are telling them .

Which only goes to Prove that Arrogance always replaces sanity when party is re-elected for a 4th term , Look at The Feds !.


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