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Jewie Time


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post-2827-1162979538_thumb.jpgWent down to my local northern sydney beach for an afternoon fish. looking for a tailor , salmon but possibly that Jew.

Using pilchards on one rig and some sqid caught two days earlier i sat and waited as the light faded.

Bang the first rig with squid went off. After a minute or so a leaping salmon in the fading light was in distance. Took my time bringing out of the shore break. 80cm of thumping salmon at my feet.

10 minutes later the pilchard went roaring. I was just about to check the bait and the rod bent over and the baitrunner was singing away. Let it run and started to worry if it was going to stop. First thought was a big shark but the thumping on the end of the line kept me interested that it was that jew.

After the run started to wind in keeping pressure on the fish which raced towards me at times. Once it was close thought i had it. It made two short bursts. That had me thinkning the worst (shark). At last had it on sand and it felt like an anchor, wasnt moving.

Carefully entered the water as it was dark and pulled the fish up by the trace. My head torch revealed that JEW id waiting for, on a pilchard.

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Woo Hoo!!

Great stuff matey. I caught my first beach jew recently also on the nth beaches. The lucky country isn't it. After work, setting sun, beautiful beaches and prize fish.

Wouldn't be dead for quids as they say.

PS i had my 6500 in baitrunner mode and gave it a five second run. When I threw it into gear and leant back, the noise from the real was pretty frightful. She doesn't quite click out of baitrunner mode properly any more. I think it's a great way to hook a jewfish but it definitely puts a fair old strain on the gears.


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I'm very jealous - but then you've got to be in it to win it so congrats on getting out there and getting into a few. Can't believe the jew took a pilchard and not the squid, but I guess it only goes to show.

Was the pilchard ganged, or did you have it rigges some other way?

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