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Parra River 14/01/07


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Long time report reader, first time poster.

Took a mate from work out fishing with the intention to go into the harbour and do a bit of fishing. Put the boat in about 7.45am at Wharf rd ramp, fired up the Johnno and we were on our way, that is until we got 200mtrs from the ramp and the motor began making painful noises. Quickly shut off the engine and instantly I knew I had made one of those elementary but costly mistakes...leaving the muffs on the motor. I let it cool down for a while and had time to think about what a dickhead I was and how much this was going to cost me. I managed to get it started again but was not running very well. I thought about going back to ramp but bugger it, were out here now so we may as well just putt around and use the live nippers I had gone to the trouble of getting so we just drit fished between the Rhodes and Ryde bridges (didn't want to stray to far from the ramp). Not much happening, that is until the tide turned to low and within 30mins had 3 undersize Bream and 4 legal between 27-30cm and 1 undersized flatty. I was quite surprised by the fishing to be had for that far up river.

We ran out of nippers and decided to putt back to the ramp when my mate said I should try and give it a a bit of throttle which I reluctantly and sceptically did and to my surprise it seemd to run fine, woohoo! I'll still have it checked out of course.

What was a bad way to start the day ended up being not a bad days fishing in an area I would normally motor over to get to somewhere else.

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:1welcomeani: to the site K9.

It's the most basic of errors like that which can ruin your day. I bet you won't make the same mistake again anytime soon.

I hope your motor checks out OK.

I suppose it depends how long the engine had no water going into it that will determine how much damage was done.

Let's hope it nothing serious and you are back on the water in no time.

Congrats of your catch too.



Edited by MallacootaPete
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Thanks MallacootaPete. There was water coming out of the tell tail when I started it at the ramp and as I said I only got some 200 mtrs from the ramp when it went from champagne to sh!t. I was quite quick to shut it down. Went OK on heading back to the ramp some 5 hrs later and when I clean out the motor at home and it reved quite responsivly. Maybe no damage at all with any luck.

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Yep :ranting2: i have left the muffs on once before - the alarm went off - took me a while to work out what it was - hard to see the muffs - (black on black) while hanging off the back of the transon especially when looking for line or plastic bag around the prop.

I don't think that you have done any damage to the motor if you got it early - do you still get a good flow coming from the telltail?

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Yep :ranting2: i have left the muffs on once before - the alarm went off - took me a while to work out what it was - hard to see the muffs - (black on black) while hanging off the back of the transon especially when looking for line or plastic bag around the prop.

I don't think that you have done any damage to the motor if you got it early - do you still get a good flow coming from the telltail?

Yeah, plenty of water coming from the tell tail and its fairly cool water as well. I was able to start it again without any trouble after 20 mins floating around but it wouldn't allow me to give it any revs, that is unilt 5 hrs later when we decided to return to the ramp. Fingers crossed!

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