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Whats the best way to attach a floater? I know I've done it sometimes and it's turned out great, other times the whole float just simply sinks below the water, is it because the sinker is too heavy or im just doing something seriously wrong?

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Yep - sure sounds like your sinker is too heavy for your float! What sort of float is it? Some of the smaller ones may only take a pea sized sinker or even less, whilst other 'bobby' corks make take a 1oz sinker or larger! Don't forget that you usually need to be able to see the top of the float (usually painted red to stand out) to see when it 'dips', indicating a fish is either on or nibbling at your bait!

What fish are you targetting? If going for mullet, you may not even need a sinker at all!! See my mullet rig:


Good luck - hope this helps



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