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175 Ficht


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Hi Everyone, Anyone out there know much about ficht engines Ive got a 2000 175 that just really drinks fuel, real bad at idle up to 22l/hour and its not really that economical at cruise either. I had a carb 150 yamaha on a similar sized boat and it didnt use as much as this. It seems to run ok just drinks too much. Thanks in advance Brett

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I had a 1999/2000 175 Ficht on a Whittley 6.3 Sea Legend and I used to get an average of 15 litres/hr running at 20 to 30 knots doing Broken Bay and offshore - had the rough idle spots at 1000rpm and 2000rpm but was a very reliable and not too smokey engine. It only had 60 or 80 hours on it. Can't remember what prop I had ( I bought it in 2004 with 30'ish hours on it). I'd checked with Bombardier (Evinrude) and the recalls had been done on it back in 2000


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