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Ultrabite,tuna Oil ,or What


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well every body says ultrabite is rubbish..tuna oil attracts the wrong type of fish.. so what do i put on my W.A pillies for the tailor/bream season coming up to give me an edge. i still beleive fresh bait is the best.....

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Im with breamhntr, plastics have improved my catch rate by half again. Give it a whirl! :thumbup:

If you are chasing bream my veiw is forget pillies use fresh nippers or prawns (not frozen) or catch a decent mullet and use strips.

I don't want to turn this into a sp versus bait argument but I do better with local caught fresh bait than I do with softies and I wouldn't use pillies for bream in a pink fit.

So personally what I would put on WA Pillies is a garbage bag and bait up with something you catch near your target spot.


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If you are chasing bream my veiw is forget pillies use fresh nippers or prawns (not frozen) or catch a decent mullet and use strips.

I don't want to turn this into a sp versus bait argument but I do better with local caught fresh bait than I do with softies and I wouldn't use pillies for bream in a pink fit.

So personally what I would put on WA Pillies is a garbage bag and bait up with something you catch near your target spot.


If bait is the favoured method then Dave is on the ball, fresh is best, the stray crab, yellowtail or oyster will outfish a pillie on most days and they're free. I havent spent money on bait in months, lures on the other hand......PHEW!!!!!! :wacko:

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ive been having alot of luck lately on peeled hawksbury prawns marinated over night in the fridge in ultrabite. was having an ordinary run as such until i started getting bait elsewhere, which also coincided in when i started marinating. went out today with a mate, who mocked my marinated baits, and i outdid him 10:1. he was using the same prawns, just not peeled or marinated.

im definetly convinced, considering he was using my rods, all with a running sinker on a mustad big mouth size 1 hook.

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