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Stumpy Has Had A Little Accident


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I spoke with Stumpy last night , he is back at work , and very disappointed he missed out on the Hairtail Social. I have organised to help him with his one handed drinking therapy this weekend , bound to be an ardous task , but what are mates for ? :)


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Great news that Stumpy is back at work already. Tough as nails doesn't come close to describing someone that dedicated.

Take it easy mate and no more barny's with chainsaws..they always seem to win.

Lemme see..Ross helping Stump in a one handed drinking therapy session....My bet's on Stumpy :1prop:

Aint "therapy" a wonderful thing!! Therapist...with the emphasis on the "pist" :074:


Edited by MallacootaPete
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Hope the recovery is going well Stumpy :thumbup: (Sorry, couldn't find an emoticon with only one thumb up! Oops, sorry again, I promised myself I wouldn't mention thumbs in this post!) Anyways, if it helps with the bass playing, I can maybe source you a 2 stringed, 5 fretted bass! One of my former band mates once said he was going to get me one! Probably had something to do with my playing style in the early days!! :074:

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Stumpy being helped by Rossco ?!?!?

Bit like the blind leading the blind there! :074:

You getting better yet Capt. Workcover or ya still having a great big SOOK?!

When I busted my ankle a few years ago the physio chick said I needed to get up and walk on it to increase circulation .... by the same reasoning, I rekon you should get up and get a rod in your hand! And if that doesn't get the circulation going ... the :beersmile: sure will!

chin up mate :thumbup:

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I am happy to report Stumpys therapy sessions this weekend were hugely succesful!! He can almost hold a stubby in his left hand !!

He really did a number on his fingers , but they were all a nice healthy pink colour , and still very much attached to his hand!! We are hopeful that in a couple of weeks that he will be out at Browns , as chief switch operator of the Electric Winch! :074:


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I am happy to report Stumpys therapy sessions this weekend were hugely succesful!! He can almost hold a stubby in his left hand !!

He really did a number on his fingers , but they were all a nice healthy pink colour , and still very much attached to his hand!! We are hopeful that in a couple of weeks that he will be out at Browns , as chief switch operator of the Electric Winch! :074:


On ya Stumpy!! :thumbup::thumbup: You must be made of tough stuff and recovering rapidly.

Keep up the "therapy" and that trip to Browns is within sight.



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Thanks Pete,-and everyone for their cheers and good wishes. For all those offering me a "hand" she'll be right, mine is still attached!

Ross(Flightmanager)and both our families spent a wonderful night at Berowra RSL on Sat at a Christmas in July Dance night. Well, didn't the old coote turn it on! He even had a dance with Mrs FM which he claimed to have not done for a good 15 years or so! Once the paramedics cleared everyone that he had accidently wiped out on the dance floor, the rest of us had a great time. :1yikes:

I must admit, I had to watch out for Brett (#1 son) as he seems to like the elder women. He was caught chatting up quite a few "Yummy Mummies" and I had to continually remind him that he wasn't quite 40years old yet and as far as i knew, Ferrari don't make push bikes so he can stop claiming to own one.

Cath(Mrs FM) had a ball and was a pleasure to dance with.Fortunately , she has a degree in advanced feet awareness evasion technique and I didn't inflict any injuries whilst "Busting my moves" :biggrin2:

I was a little dusty on Sunday morning and I must admit when walking out of bed, rather suprised that all the guests were up and about. I was quite suprised, then totally shocked when FM stated that they were going out on the boat for another session.I must admit Pete, although Ross was on Par with the drinking (for his age) I was extremely impressed at his ability to bounce back the morning after.Not too bad for an old coote! Mrs FM just takes it all in her stride and looks wonderful any time of the day! Brett......... well, once he found out that we were the Von Trap family in "The Sound Of Music" he just found every guitar in the house and played to his hearts content.

Top night had by all , and excellent Company to boot ! Till next dance night guys :thumbup:



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That next dance is in September , Raiders!! We will be going , be good to have some fishy folk to dance and drink with !!

Thanks to Stumpy and Mrsstumpy for your hospitality , we had a terrific night out , and cant wait for thr next one!!

Now , where did I hide those Beroccas? :wacko:


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Oh Stumpy!!..Looks like Dorris's friends have been at your little pills again:

Snacking elephants wake town

IT was no dream. Two elephants seen roaming the streets of a sleepy town in central Canada in the wee hours of the morning had actually escaped from a travelling circus, police said today.

The massive animals, named Bunny and Suzy, had escaped from Garden Bros Circus about 3am local time (5pm AEST) in Newmarket, near Toronto, when an electric fence around their pen was inadvertently disabled.

Police said the elephants took a "stroll" around town and "snacked on several nearby trees" but did not cause any injuries or property damage.

An astonished resident awakened by their stomping and chewing before dawn notified police, who helped steer the animals back to their pen.

"Hi, um, we've found an elephant walking down the street," the unidentified man says in a recording of an emergency call to police, repeating it twice to a seemingly bewildered policeman.

"How big are we talking about?" the officer responds.

"A full grown elephant," he shouts. "It's following one of my friends."

York Regional Police spokeswoman Kathleen Griffin said the force occasionally gets reports of wandering bears and other wildlife, but this was its first call about an elephant.

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Wow Pete, they certainly get around!

I'm off the drugs now so I believe that Dorris and her mates have dumped me.

I now can go back to VB.................. but then one must watch for the flying frypans and rolling pins :wife:

Oh well, thats life!



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Great to hear Stumpy...That browns trip looks like it's very soon now.

Hope you brain 'em out there..You deserve a break after all you've been through.

No more Dollie digs..I promise. :1prop:



Edited by MallacootaPete
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