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It had been a while since Dad and I had been on the boat so we planned a trip down to the humps off Stanwell Park to chase snapper but as we came out of the Hacking the conditions didn't look the best so we headed for Osborn Shoal.Set up a burley trail and lost acouple of good fish first up.Managed a mowie,some trevally and acouple of wrasse between the slimies,yellowtail and sweep.Two good squid followed up one of the livies I had out and they were easily tempted to a squid jig.Then the jackets moved in,taking any bait and tackle that went down.Got sick of loosing tackle so we headed back in to the mouth of Gunnamatta Bay to chase some bream.First cast out and I hooked up a nice flounder.There wern't any bream around but there were alot of small trevally with acouple of better fish mixed in with them.As we were fishing I noticed a big ray come up and sit behind the boat.I threw in some slimies and yellowtail and it was just vaccuuming them up,then it decided it had enough and swam off.


After that things went quiet so we headed for home.

It was good to get out on the boat again and do some laid back fishing,but hopfully next weekend will bring better weather so we can go to Browns or Stanwell Park.

Pic of the catch.


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Nice catch, were abouts is Osborn Shoal?

Osborne Shoal is in Bate Bay about half way between Jibbon Bombora and Cape Baily.

Have a look on the Waterways web site and you can download some charts. (Map 9 and Map 9F)



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good effort mate, nice feed. You been getting any snapper lately?

How'r the cliffs?


Haven't been to the cliffs for a while but I'm hoping to go there soon.

There should be afew snapper around after this weekends large swell.

Deschanel as Peter said Osborne is in the middle of Bate Bay so it's a

nice short ride from the Hacking.Just sound around and find the slight drops

and peaks.Set a good burley trail and fish floaters and a bottom bait.I also like

to have a livie out as it can attract not only bigger fish but also some good squid so

have a jig ready.Tends to fish better when there is abit of a bump in the ocean.

It's also a good spot to pick up livies if heading offshore.

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Deschanel as Peter said Osborne is in the middle of Bate Bay so it's a nice short ride from the Hacking.Just sound around and find the slight dropsand peaks. Set a good burley trail and fish floaters and a bottom bait. I also liketo have a livie out as it can attract not only bigger fish but also some good squid so have a jig ready. Tends to fish better when there is abit of a bump in the ocean. It's also a good spot to pick up livies if heading offshore.

Mako, thanks for that info. Have you caught many legal snapper at Osborne? I've never had much luck there catching anything except rubbish, but then again I've never anchored and burleyed for very long. Jackets usually turn up and spoil the show! What types of fish have you caught there? Any preferences for what burley you use?



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Mako, thanks for that info. Have you caught many legal snapper at Osborne? I've never had much luck there catching anything except rubbish, but then again I've never anchored and burleyed for very long. Jackets usually turn up and spoil the show! What types of fish have you caught there? Any preferences for what burley you use?



I've caught quite a few legal snapper from Osborne but nothing big.The snapper tend to bite better when there is a good swell.The jackets at Osborne can be a pain in the bum but they tend to be worse when it's calmer as there arn't as many fish around competing for food.It produces good mowies,snapper,Trevally and of course jackets.When the bream make their runs in and out of the estuaries they can bite really well at Osborne as well as large tarwine.I've been reefed afew times on livies by good sized kingies.I usually fish the northern side but it's a pretty big reef so if they're not on there try the southern side.I've heard that jewies and snapper are caught there at night but I've never fished there at night.

I like to use chicken pellets mixed with small pieces of pillies for burley.

For baits I use pillie pieces,fish strips,squid strips,prawns and nippers.

Saturday was the first time I fished this spot for quite a while(been to addicted chasing tuna,blue eye and gemmies for the last year or so) but it was great to get back to this sort of fishing and it's alot kinder on the wallet.

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I've caught quite a few legal snapper from Osborne but nothing big.The snapper tend to bite better when there is a good swell.The jackets at Osborne can be a pain in the bum but they tend to be worse when it's calmer as there arn't as many fish around competing for food.It produces good mowies,snapper,Trevally and of course jackets.When the bream make their runs in and out of the estuaries they can bite really well at Osborne as well as large tarwine.I've been reefed afew times on livies by good sized kingies.I usually fish the northern side but it's a pretty big reef so if they're not on there try the southern side.I've heard that jewies and snapper are caught there at night but I've never fished there at night.

I like to use chicken pellets mixed with small pieces of pillies for burley.

For baits I use pillie pieces,fish strips,squid strips,prawns and nippers.

Saturday was the first time I fished this spot for quite a while(been to addicted chasing tuna,blue eye and gemmies for the last year or so) but it was great to get back to this sort of fishing and it's alot kinder on the wallet.

That a great help Mako. I’ll definitely take your advice and give it a go. If I manage to get out there in the next few weeks I’ll let you know how I went.

A few years ago at Osborne, I had a big slimy out floating on a handline (50lb mono with a wire trace) and something "very big" took it. It dragged the boat for a while before busting off. My guess was a shark but I'll never know. Sure provided us with a bit of excitement for five minutes!

Cheers and thanks again


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