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Caldia Kix Vs Twin Power!


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I prefer the Shimano and the reasons I dont like the Caldia that much are;

1. The handle is a hard rubber and slippery compared to the twin power.

2. I dont like the drag click system and its too quiet

Im not sure of the anti reverse on the Caldia but if its the same as the Capricorn then it plays up after a few years of use and goes backwards. I know this because i have the Capricorn.

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I had to make the same decision, and despite the Kix being slightly cheaper i chose the Twin power 4000 and cannot be happier, the kix felt like a really nice reel had an almost workhorse feel to it.. the twin power had more finesse, smoother and better looking!

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ok! thanks very much guys.

i can get a kix $100 cheaper, but im sold on the twin power now!

i made the winning bid on the 3500hd certate with 8 seconds to go but i guess some one wanted it more!

ill buy the twin power today if i can get to the shop!

thanks :thumbup:

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