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Abu Ambassaduer 7000


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Hey all, ive just recieved a second hand Abu garcier ambasseduer 7000 overhead reel and it looks pretty neat. Just wondering if it has any real merits and how many kg of drag it holds? I cant seem to find any info on the net.

For those that own or have used one, please let me know more about this reel.


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Abu Garcia Ambassadeur 7000 Overhead Fishing Reel

Built with solid brass, stainless steel and aluminium.

The Abu Garcia classic series are all about one thing, durability. It is this; above all else that has made Abu reels such a success for over 75years.

Built with solid brass, stainless steel and aluminium, these reels leave nothing to chance.

If you’re the ‘just throw it in the back of the ute’ sort of angler then this is for you.


Smooth Powerful multi disc star drag

Stainless steel bearings

Synchronized levelwind system

Gear Ratio: 5.3:1.

.....have another search, but make sure you spell "Ambassadeur" properly.

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Used too use one years ago on a heavy wilson barra rod 10kg mono caught everything from barra to blackjew and spaniards and even a couple of sailfish which took trolled garfish aimed at spaniards Great reels you can even get the drags tricked up by Jack Erskine

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You will need to keep it away from saltwater spray and make sure that the internal mechanisms are well greased. The push button spool release allows water to get in easily. The sliding arm free spool mechanism is prone to rusting and siezing up (only chrome steel). You have to replace the whole mechanism which isn't cheap. Watch out for pitting corrosion of the sideplates. I also had a handle snap off due to corrosion.

All in all there are better reels around today. The best thing going for the ABU7000 is its a fine casting reel.

PS: they made a saltwater version with stainless steel sideplates.

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Hi Luringbream,

The ABU 7000 is a classic.

The ABU Ambassadeur reels were introduced more than 50 years ago -- that is, the design is older than most of the members of this site -- and they are still being made and sold. That tells you something.

During that time they've been used for everything from tournament casting to heavy rock, beach and boat fishing.

There's a nice review of the 7000 model here on this pommie website:


Remarkably light and robust, with excellent ergonomic design, spool tolerance, and finish, the 7000 model is true value. In recent years, the price has actually fallen significantly in real terms, which suggests that manufacturing and/or assembly is probably no longer done in Sweden. Which may have affected quality -- my only reservation.

I've had my Swedish made 7000 for more than 20 years and it's still in mint condition. As with all fishing tackle used around salt water, make sure you lightly spray it with fresh water and wipe off to remove salt spray before putting away after each use.

My biggest capture using an ABU 7000 and 30lb mono line is an 83lb Nile perch (like a giant barramundi) that I caught in Lake Nasser, Egypt. The 7000 handled it with ease.

Never sell an ABU 7000. Only buy more.



Edited by kenmare
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THanks guys, saves me having to buy an overhead reel. It is the swedish model so thumbs up to that. I have been using it for bottom bashing of late and it has caught plenty of reef species such as small groper, various cod and mowies.

THanks for the info guys, hopefully i can get a few solid kings to work it out in summer!


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