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Maroubra Beach 15/9


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Greetings all fishos

After some recommendations, i decided to fish maroubra beach last night, at the south end

got there about 12, which is 2 hours after high tide... used 25lb main line and trace with a single size 3 hook and threw in some half pilchards which were mummified with bait mate to stop if falling off... first cast, and WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I ACTUALLY CAUGHT A PROPER FISH!!! (proper fish doesnt include port jackson, which i have caught a million of) it was a 54cm kahawai, and it was kick ass!!! cant believe it, i didnt come home in sheer frustration crying tuna oil... my brother caught a whiting too, which was caught on half pilchards, strangely enough....

what i did notice though, was that we caught both fish almost as soon as we got there, and some other people (i assue fishos - otherwise who goes to a beach at midnight?) left soon after we got there... we were 2 hours behind high tide... what does this imply for beach fishing???

other than the 2 fish that we caught, there was nothign else that night... we were there from 12 - 6 and watched the sun rise.... i cant really tell how many bites there were, because the waves were quite strong and the rod moves around a bit... stupidly enough, i managed to flick my rod bell into the sea... fantastic... so i couldnt keep track of my rods at all times... although, my hooks did come up clean almost every time...

please note this was at the south end... a fellow fisho went to the north end and got nothign, except a couple of crabs - although i did want to ask - how do you catch crabs on a lien with hooks??? i cant seem to figure it out like what does the crab tangle itself??

i want to go again tonight but just too much work...but sooooon, SOOOON!!!!

take care fishos, and hooray, finally, i can say that i am one of you - i, too, am a fisho because i have actually caught somethign!!!

take care all!!

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Good stuff on the Salmon and whiting, crab on line I have first hand experience on this, one night out fishing I caught an whopper of a blue swimmer on the end of my line while targeting fish, I was reeling in and I had a crab at the end of it, I lifted him out of the water and then he let go, but it was too late for him, so he had a date with boiling water lol, tasted great very very sweet. But I guess they get tangled in lines as well but this crab was just to stubbon to let go of his food.


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Well done Dan on getting your first 'decent' fish! Those Kawhai/Aussie Salmon really go .... and at that size, it would have made a great meal. They smoke up beautifully when they are not too big.

You'll know all about it when you get a 6lber on! Up here, we don't get many small ones - only big ones!!!

Where there is one, there are more!n They are a schooling fish. Sometimes up here we can look out & see the black mass moving out behind the breakers - usually a big school of mullet or salmon.

WIth crabs - they are great bait stealers. Often your line comes back in with no bait on it, & no 'obvious' bites. If you feel a 'twang' on occasion (especially if using braid, as you feel every twitch), it is often a crab holding your bait with one claw & pulling bits off with the other claw! Or if you begin to pull your line in & it feels like a dead weight - often a crab hanging onto you bait!

Cheers - good luck on your next outing!


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Well done mate you sound very pleased with yourself. Last year I caught a blue swimmer at Cook's Bridge. The hook barely grazed one of its little hind legs but somehow it managed to stay on. Felt like seaweed until I lifted it out of the water and then I was like :1yikes: that's bigger than what they sell at the shops! You know when people comment about seafood being fresh, well this was fresh - the meat was so sweet and fresh with nice texture.



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hey everyone!!

thanks for the replies, appreciate it... i havnt quite been lucky enough to score one of those giant emperor crabs yet, but will keep wishing!! although, i dont know if im lucky enough to hit a crab whos too dumb to let go of the bait though... haha thas what fishign should be like eh

hey there roberta ya these kahawai are quite sizable eh, in new zealand you only get ones like this off a boat... seriously fat fish!! but i dunno how to smoke them though, probably cant afford a smoker anyway so ill just fry it up probably... i know all you guys say they are not the best table fish, but let me tell you, from a students perspective its about as good as it gets!!!

although the thign is though, because i fish basically only during the night (uni+work+study+cooking+cleaning during the day) i cant really see where i cast each time, and its quite hard to get it back into the strike zone... i know salmon are schooling fish, but just unlucky i didnt get any more...

ummm what do you guys reckon about nice tailor off the beach?? they are quite good to eat ya, and fun to catch too... same rig as for salmon? or is 20lb too heavy??

havnt been able to go again yet but been itching and itching and itching!!

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