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nice trag there mate

i especially love the covert middle finger near the gills lol

Nice fish young fella I rather like the lanyards clips on the rod holders but I suppose you can insure the bait board along with the boat as well up there :1yikes:

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Penguin, my Father and Uncle Mal would literally swap any fish in their kit to eat Trag. They reckon that its about the best eating fish in the ocean.



Well its a shame then that such a tasty fish has such an ugly

sounding name.


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Nice looking fish! Well done!


Hi Roberta

Had many reports of taralgon up there lately Could be a sign of warmer currents?

They are usually active in summer and seem to be active in close to the coast at end of winter in the gold coast areas in places near the coast where you would decide to fish for jew and conditions seem to suit both. They are aggressive sure but play around chewing the bait most unlike jew in that respect and they may easily spook but I'm not 100% on that.

Jew lose their block and become more aggressive and bang you again if they don't get their own way and play tug of war games with your heavy gear, no worries.

Taralgon run off with the bait then stop and chew away and a good point here would be to fish loose drag at all times, whereas I lock up the drag fairly tight for jew except when using larger livies (a jew hits a big livie from under runs off and stops turns it around and swallows it head on), and I use free drag feeding out line in the surf. Off the rocks with large livies I used to have the drag just bite in enough for the livie to be struggling to move a bigwater float freely

My father got into the jew over here after many years of commercial fishing in the Mediterranian for their sought after and prized cousins which are very similiar to jew and taralgon.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Stumpy has the best method by far for catching jew. Stumpy falling asleep during exciting fishing is really the key to jew fishing. Just "fall asleep for hours on end" - (in other words don't touch anything when a rod bends unless it bends positively and stays constantly bent actively) - with the jew rods out and do not touch the rods at all but before falling asleep attach loud alarms on the line near the reel.

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