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Whales Reported In Sydney Harbour


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Whales reported in Sydney Harbour

HUMPBACK whales have been spotted in Sydney Harbour.

Just after 5.30pm (AEST) today passengers on a boat outside the heads spotted four whales including a mother and calf, a caller to Macquarie Radio said.

The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) confirmed they were notified of the sighting but, when officers went to investigate, could not find the mammals.

"Earlier this afternoon, just on dusk, we had the two whales – the mother and a calf – and two escort whales come in through the heads and about 300 metres inside the harbour to have a play around for a while," a caller identified only as Richard told the radio network.

The sighting was unusual but not impossible, a NPWS spokesman said.

"It would be very unusual for us to have whales in the Sydney Harbour at this time of year. However, on October 13 four years ago, we did have confirmed sightings of whales coming into the harbour," the spokesman said.

It is currently southern migration time, which sees most whales heading to Antarctica, but the spokesman said the journey for most whales was a lot further east off the Australian coast.

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Gee that's interesting news Mallacoota Pete. Is there any knowledge of a sign that the conditions are starting to suit?


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

No clue..I'm just the messenger but it must be a good sign

if they are stopping off on the way back to Antarctica.



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your the guru pete! could it be a feeding thing! ???


It could be Stevo, although seeing they eat krill...I doubt it's a food thing that's attracting them in.

I suspect it's just their inquisitive nature to explore new environments and the harbour seemed

like a good place to explore.

Maybe there are more whale savvy raiders that can shed some light on this.



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