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Long Weekend Of Wind And Snakes


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got back from Fish River on Wednsday totally fishless :1badmood:

after the wind decided to turn up it was time to put the fly rod down.

walked up and down the river dodging brown, tiger and red belly snakes :(

over the 5 days up there I must have walked about 15 klms up and down and spotted quite a few trout but nothing seemed to tempt the little dears into a good hit.

I had on 2 occasions 12" rainbow smash a celta and then a little gold HB so hard that they came about a foot out of the water putting on an impressive show but unhooked then selfs. and then on wednsday morrning about 7. am I spotted a 14" brown in about 8" of water about 12 feet away just hanging in a sun patch :1yikes: I carefully got my dry red tag fly with brown nymph dropper and managed to get it about 10" in front of his nose and I know he saw it. I slowley stripped the nymph back at about an inch at a time and watched as the brown started to follow, surley this is going to be my first ever trout on fly. He was getting closer to the nymph making little lunges at it when I stripped it and the let it stop, then disaster, :1badmood: the nymph picks up a submerged stick and locks on. the fish is so close now he can see me as well. I slowley pull the stick in and he takes off into the deeper water in front of me. I free the nymph from the stick and look around to see the little bugger back down in the same spot in the sun. same as before he spots the nymph as it drops in front of him, i start the strips again only this time he is a little more cautious but follows all the way till i can't strip any more line then he cruises of into the deep water again. I'm waiting for him to turn up in his same spot but this doesn't happen because as I focuss in the shallow water right in front of me I see the little bugger at my feet just about a foot away and I swear he is looking at me. he so close there is no chance to cast anything the only thing that might have worked would have been a spear. anyway then the bloody wind starts again so I bid him fairwell as I head off back to camp.

I have to catch one sooner or later but these little bugger are hard work.

no one seem to be geeting much on the long weekend that I spoke to.

might have been the wind.


Edited by Yes Dear
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Jeese Mate, No Trout for all that work :thumbdown:

Sounds like we need to hook up for a session closer to oberon. :biggrin2:

Seriously though i myself returned on many occasions fishless from that stretch of the river. I recon the low water levels last summer may have wiped a lot of trout out that far downstream. You would be suprised how hot the water temp can get in mid summer (25+) which is may too hot for most trout.

When i was there last i only managed a couple of small sickly rainbows (stocked) that did not look in very good condition


If you are seeing fish without spooking them that is a good start, were there any fish rising to hatches?



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Jeese Mate, No Trout for all that work :thumbdown:

Sounds like we need to hook up for a session closer to oberon. :biggrin2:

Seriously though i myself returned on many occasions fishless from that stretch of the river. I recon the low water levels last summer may have wiped a lot of trout out that far downstream. You would be suprised how hot the water temp can get in mid summer (25+) which is may too hot for most trout.

When i was there last i only managed a couple of small sickly rainbows (stocked) that did not look in very good condition


If you are seeing fish without spooking them that is a good start, were there any fish rising to hatches?



only a few risers that i saw

there where fish there but they where very cautious though

following lures down low from the shadows etc

the wind was pretty bad and there was a lot of wind rippled water surface, I don't know if that puts the fish of.

will try again

we did OK last year in the summer (sometimes)

cheers BM

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