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After Billy K and myselfs 2 horse Browns at Lyell I was still pretty damned keen to keep the Trout score ticking over and made a quick dash up to the Snowies to join my Dad and brother for a shore bashing session or two at Jindabyne. Normally we hit Eucumbene but I get rather depressed by the low water levels out there so I don't bother any more!

Session 1.

Wollondibby Inlet was the spot for number one session on the Saturday arvo, it's a rather frustrating area that has provided good fish in the past but also kicked me in the teeth a lot! Snow was falling in the mountains and a cold southerly made it a bit bitter but we persisted. I got a baby Atlantic Salmon on a Maniac Spoon whilst Dad lost a good fish and grassed a nice 800g Rainbow that was destined for the Smoker. Not too bad and we thought an early morning hit the next day would see some more sustained action.

Session 2.

Weather changed over night, was calm and warm when we got to Wollondibby. We saw a tonne of fish feeding today but do you think they would touch a thing? Every lure got a run and I broke out the Fly gear but a few desultory taps were all we had. One big Brown really got to me, it was cruising the shallows but ignored the first lure and when I changed to a lightly weighted Squidgie Critter it watched it sink in front of its nose and promptly got snagged between a rock :thumbdown: Pass the dynamite please. Oh well, at least it was a pleasant morning and I got the satisfaction of knowing that everyone else was doing it tough, the boats reported poor catches and the few Fly and Spin boys I spoke to said the same.

Maybe back to Lyell methinks....



Edited by Matt
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Bad luck Matt :thumbdown:

Fish can certainly be funny when they are not in a feeding mood, must be the weather i recon.

Had the same thing happen at my local Bass stream, could see the fish but were even frightened of a #14 nymph :wacko: This was after they smashed my popper then went quiet :mad3:

Cant work out their moods


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