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Botany Bay - Sunday 21/10/07


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Hi Guys

Hit the water at 5:30am on Sunday and headed out to the runways. Weather fantastic - great to be out on the water at this time of day. Lots of other boats also had the same idea.

Unfortunately the fish were not co-operating. Tried all the spots :- , off the runway , Henry Head , drift off Brighton , Towra , the flats at Catain Cook Bridge and finally a drift between the 2 bridges.

Ended up with one nice whiting , a good size flounder , and a blue swimmer crab that wouldn't let go of a bait. What was surprising was that even the small bream & snapper weren't around, a couple of small flathead that were returned to the water finished the day.

Talking to other boats it appeared to be a quiet day for most. We had used blood worms , prawns , small squid and pilchards , plus plenty of berley but for little response. :05:

Saw the aftermath of the accident at Catain Cook bridge on Saturday night with 2 Police boats and divers working to recover wreckage about 11am Sunday morning. Evidently excessive speed was a contributing factor to the accident (not surprising) but I was surprised at the number of boats who were oblivious to the Police boats with flashing lights and Diver Flags and just went blindly charging past. :mad3: People need to be more aware of what is happening around them - It was difficult enough for the divers without excessive wash causing problems.

Anyway it was very pleasant on the water - beats working - and there is always next weekend.

regards Bill

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