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Optimax 135

rob roy

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Hi Guys,

i've got an optimax 135hp all connected up to smartcraft, only problem is i don't know what figures i should be expecting with water pressure at idle and in cruise, also what should the engine temperature range be.

Thanks Guys


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Hi Roy, your idle pressure should be 1-3 PSI and the WOT will ba about 12 PSI. The poppet value opens at 4-9PSI so depending what RPM you cruise at the presssure should be about that.

The enigne temp will be higher at idle if all is working correctly and the thermostat opens at 61.7C so again depending how you drive it the temp ahouls be somewhere below that. Your overheat (or gaurdian system) works well on OPTI so as long as the horn and guage do nto sound you are OK.



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Hi Huey, thanks for that, i'm getting about 1.5 at idle and about 7 at 3000rpm, engine temp is between 50 to 60 at cruise, i was a bit worried that my water pressure was a bit low, but feel better now you've reassured me.

Regards Roy

ps you should or maybe have got an enquiry about the 580 breeze from a mate who is looking for one, i showed him yours on the net and he seemed quite impressed.

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Hi Roy, no problem. (I just reread my post and I must of had a brain failure with all the spelling mistakes)

Yes the 580 Haines is quite popular at the moment-it will not last at this price.



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