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Bundeena Gummy And Squid


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Hi guys

Went down to Bundeena tonight for a quite fish as I got the next couple of days off work thought I will make the most of it, as with every fisherman there is an itch, espcially after saturday night on botany bay hooking into a monster that took my live tailor and losing the fish after 20mins or so of hanging on :wacko: . But really just wanted to test out the little Daiwa Procaster V that I got last weekend (for 70bucks not a bad piece of gear)

Well the night started with ten minute of driving I realised I forgot my net and hard decisions weather to turn back or power on, decision made to turn back and bring the net, net safly in the boot again off I go. Arrived around 8.15pm set up my 12footer with baitrunner with a pilly, a floter with pilly targeting tailor and a squiding rod. After about 20minute the bait runner on the 12footer ticks rod tip bouncing set the hook and a nice legal tailor opened the account for night, bleed and into the esky he went, next half hour or so I started to burly up, as not much was happening and the yakka's move in so I started working on them and shortly I got my bait supply for the night 3 yakkas (only used one, the other went back to the water) anyways with the fresh bait I fillet one up and a slap went on the 12footer launched out, and I went back to fishing the float nothing was on the surface as the tide was pretty low which usally means not much on the surface at this spot. So i proceed to try squidding and test out the new squidy soft plastic jig in the middle of squdding the bait runner went for a run ZzzzZZzzz stop rod tip bounce bounce and ZZZzzzzZZZZZ put into gear set the hook and came up solid with a bit of weight, a short fight later a nice sized gummy came into view, it put up a good account for it self wrapped me on a pilon, lucky It came out and the mission to try net the bugger was on, by my self hold a 12foot rod so netting was a bit tricky but all is good and I have just caught my first gummy he went 95+cm (guess) didn't have a ruler, 2 nice slab of meat for dinner. Mucking around with with the squd jig I came up tight and this thing was pulling drag, a moment later a nice calamari netted, the hood would of been over 40cm (on the soft jig, not really a fan of the jig, the action is not that great, but it does have a in built light) next jig I tried was the trusty yozuri shimp hunter in 2.5 sight casting to a smaller squid tempted the bugger and another squid in the esky, by now im think not a bad night. Then I see a shadow luking baout so a cast was fired out in front of it and thing just zommed in and again came up tight, drag been pulled. Netting this fella was proving to be a mission as I had to crawl on the pilons to net the bugger as I was to high up and net would not reach, he was lightly hook on one tenticale, luck was on my side and another big squid in the esky this one just a little bit smaller the larger one. Happy with my effort for the night packed up and home was the next stop.

Sorry for the long post, hope you enjoyed it.

Total tally

1 gummy shark

3 Southern Calamari squid

1 tailor


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